Sunday Drive on 2nd April 2023

Dear All,

Terry and Diane contacted me this morning and send their sincere apologies but due to family commitments, they are now unable to organise a Sunday drive for the 2nd April.

Serena and I will be away celebrating our 40th Wedding Anniversary at the time, so this post is a plea to ask if anyone could lead a drive on the 2nd April :crossed_fingers:

As always, I can help with posting the drive but just need someone to come up with a drive and lunch venue if possible.

Sorry for the relatively short notice but If you have an idea, please email me: Here

Best Regards


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Hi all,

I have a secret route up my sleeve that I can run but haven’t finalised it or a suitable lunch point

If I was to run this can I get an idea of numbers before the weekend to see if I need to cater for 10people or 40 :sweat_smile:

Thanks in advance

Hi max.
We should be around for the drive as we are coming back from wales on the Saturday.

Richard and Clare.