Sussex Down trip and Visit to the RNLI College at Poole Harbour. Friday 6th & 7th September 2019. Sunday 8th September trip to Gurston Hill Climb. Meeting up at Ashington Services Friday morning 6th September, time to be confirmed for drive down to New Forest and Poole with possible visit and run out over New Forest Friday afternoon. Or alternatively meet us at the RNLI College in Poole Friday evening. . One or two nights can be booked. Rooms - Friday and Saturday nights (6th & 7th September) prices £123 per room per a night for B&B and £159 for half board (£18 per person meal allowance) per night or £246.00 B&B or £318.00 half board for 2 nights. PLEASE BOOK DIRECT AND ADVISE ONCE BOOKED. Tours – Groups tours on the Saturday morning with the ALS Workshop tour at 10.00 followed by the site Discovery tour at 11.00. The tours are an extra cost at £7.50 for the Discovery and £5.00 for the ALS one. Saturday afternoon tour around Poole Harbour or run over the New Forest. Parking – Public car parking but possibly looking into group reserved parking when our numbers are confirmed. Sunday 8th September 2019. Trip to Gurston Hill Climb, final meeting of the year for those interested or alternative for others is visit to other venue in the New Forest(To be arranged).
Confirmed as at 3rd Jan 2019
Chris and Heather
Alan and Pauline
Dave and Pat
Stephen and Joan
Paul and Barbara
Martin and Nicky
Nick and Davina