Yeah winter riding does suck massively… not something I appreciate… probably most others too !
Awesome post totally nailed it, So wanted to lead with asl as a (hopefully) funny joke
Being popular is totally overrated!
North West (Between MAnc and Preston) myself mainly drive my mk1 mx5 almost stock…
Fair play on the bike looks cool, I dare not have a bike it would end badly
Also have a proton satria neo sport, that last bit is total bs, “Lotus” added a rear spoiler, fake body kit, recardo seats (ok they are good), the car would just about beat a stock 1.6 mk1 mainly just on top end lol
Keep up the grerreeeaaatt posts
Oh my life I need green lights ! I’m actually considering an underglow for my maz… sad I know !
Anything with the colour green on it and I’m instantly in love…
Such a beautiful car
Thank you, I treated it to a ceramic glaze so it really shines in the sunlight.
Ah lovely ! Will do mine but needs some minor repairs…
Hi, I haven’t been active on this forum so I should make more of an effort🤪
I’m Nick, 43 and a self employed Project Manager. Live in Southport with my wife Claire (NHS Nurse) and Chorkie dog Dixie.
I’m on to my 5th MX5 (4th NB) and love it!
Daily driver (in normal times) is a Jaguar F-Pace and Claire has a Mini JCW (I think I’ve done more miles in that than she has)!
Hoping to join some run outs and events very soon!
Welcome. I’m near Lincoln, retired and married to a black 2006 MX5 and Emerald green 2018 Kawasaki Z1000SX.
Go for it!! You impress me! I used to work with my late husband in the motorsport support industry - superbike tyres. We spent a lot of time at circuits, and showing classic cars, when I was not teaching.
I’m alone now and just love driving my MX5 and being on the forum. My other vehicle is …ahem… a 2020 RENAULT ZOE and completely electric! I get 200 miles to a charge and it is my runabout, medium hatch. It has amazing acceleration - but not a vehicle to drive with your foot to the floor and I so miss a gearbox to drive through
I suppose I have a split vehicle hybrid
Best of both worlds. Hang on in there.
You will go far with your can do attitude, don’t worry about being popular just concentrate on learning your craft.
I’m 55 and have been a flour mill engineer most of my working life, every day is a school day. If I don’t learn something each day I feel cheated.
I love the problem solving side of things and take pride in being the best I can.
Cars & bikes, well I’ve had lots. Highlights are. Bikes, Yamaha DT175, Moto Morini 350, Harris Magnum 4, Aprilia RSV Mille R.
Cars, 3000E Capri, Opal Manta B, Opal Manta B2, MkII Scirocco GTi, Fiat Uno Turbo, MG Midget (full BMC race spec), Mazda 6 MPS, Volvo V70R, Mazda MX5 NB 2.5, 981 Porsche Boxster S.
Loads of cooking stuff as well
Loving all these replies… im not one for having a large circle… but im at that stage where I would like to rely on people, and they could rely on me !
I’m married to my grom… mx5… work and cx3. . (Closest proposal ever )
Everyday is a school day… which is great for me as I’m always learning new things. Espcially woth this mx5. Loving it so far and can’t wait to take it out. But I have to wait.
I’ve never had a large circle of friends either, and my ex best-mate of over 30 years turned out to be a waste of space I had to tell where to go…!
Trust is my biggest issue, and now don’t give it easily, but to have people who can rely on me, as I can them would be a result…! I am finding that is possible with my new neighbours who I consider friends. Just would like to expand it a bit further…
Every day is a learning day Amber. Having you around on the MX-5OC is such a good thing and I know that’s not just my opinion…
I’ve been in this area for nearly a year now… I moved from weymouth.
I talk to my neighbour occasionally…
But I live a very small cul-de-sac…
And im the only one with a motorcycle…
So I’ve ruined people’s pictureresc (how ever its spelt) view on this little cul-de-sac.
I’ll ride my bike around and there’s this one woman who won’t stop complaining… I cant wheelie… I dont over revv… I bring it out the house. Turn it on to warm up. Get my gear on and on my way… she moans alot
Some are only happy when their moaning… Quite sad really!
I feel sad for her… as she never looks happy !
I live in a small cul-de-sac too and have a neighbour who does shift work and sometimes leaves at 5:30am and he has a very loud bike but life is all about give and take and I remind myself that they had to put up with us building an Exocet in the front garden for a couple of years and that has a custom Powerflo exhaust so some days we were noisy too .
I think all of us have “issues” of one kind or another and they have probably just amplified in the times of Covid-19…
We have similar but he comes home around 5.30am. Now he’s not my neighbour either, lives in the next road but we hear him coming about half a mile down the road so when he passes our house you can imagine the noise.
Sometimes he’ll come out and leave the bike running, it’s between the two houses in the next street so resonates, it’s awful.
It’s definitely an illegal exhaust, no one would say it’s acceptable. Just glad we are retired and sleep isn’t so vital to our everyday living, my neighbour works shifts (nights too) so I’m conscious of this and do noisy stuff when he’s not in bed.
TBH it’s so noisy sometimes along the side road we live against (we get used to it) but just that one that passes gets to you but we live with it.
Over 40 years ago it was bliss, just us in the cul de sac, not even a proper road in, no main road, no drone of the A50 dual carriageway in the distance, not even the the hearing the bikes going round Donnington park could be heard (that’s 8 miles away) anyways I don’t mind the birds twittering away in the morning, yep they can wake you up too but it’s a nice awakening.
No rant just an observation how noisy it can be nowadays.
I think that this is more and more prevalent. I had always considered that people should just accept that life can be tough and stressful and get on with it without moaning. However over the last year or so I have been extremely lucky (and in life general) but still I am getting really quite down and have changed my opinion on this. Along with everyone else there is no ability to plan for fun future activities, which is not great. I find that having something to look forward to gives me a focus, but this is difficult at the moment.
On some of your other points, I would add that experience has shown me that you have to be comfortable with yourself first and when you can achieve that, what others think becomes largely irrelevant. We are all different and the longer I live the more surprised I am at this. I discovered to my surprise some years ago (and still struggle with it) that not everyone thinks the way that you do, which is a difficult concept to manage.
Some people are naturally sociable and some not. I am generally happier on my own and having moved around so much as a child have never had any close friends. I have people I talk to in certain circumstances, whether it is work related, or when I play snooker, but have no close friends. Growing up was a challenge, but I have become comfortable with who I am.
The first thing to do is not to put yourself down, whilst accepting the fact that you are an individual. The majority of people have had challenges in their life including friendships, which can help people through these times. In the end you have to be happy on your own and if you have opportunity to be with other people, consider this a bonus. There is a lot of luck in life, hopefully more good than bad…
Therefore spend some time understanding yourself and who you are - this is in your own head, so decide what you want out of life, what makes you “you” and what challenges you. When you have this figured out - not easy!, it may help with where you are going as you have to live your life and do not compromise on this, but do not inconvenience anyone else whilst you are on your journey, as this will create additional challenges.
I believe the secret of life is to spend it creating happy memories that you can revert back to when you are alone and in need of them. When you are feeling down, find a quiet spot and just remember times and events that brought you happiness - perhaps relive a favorite journey on your bike or in your MX5! The more detail and the more you can immerse yourself in these memories the better.
In the meantime, if you need to share, there are some on here who will be happy to help.