Hi Everyone

Well what can I say apart from thank you to all of  our team of South East members who helped with the marshalling, hotel accomodation, merchandise stall, auto jumble stool, tombola stall,raffle stall,  tours and lead drivers, door monitoring at the Hoppers Meal,  it is a credit to all of the team in the South East that we had such an excellent rally, well done to all of you and a very Big Thank you from myself and Martyn and Paul and Jenny for all your help. It is so nice to have such wonderful support and great friends. A special thank you to Paul and Jenny for the extra special support and great friendship you two are very special friends and thanks for putting up with me Smile

Thank you to all the members and non members that came along to support our rally, we had just over 700 cars which is an excellent turnout for a spring rally, well done and thanks for coming along, thanks to all our European friends from France, Belgium and Holland who came along and enjoyed the rally and Hoppers Supper which was a great success with 190 attending a sit down three course meal, with disco, well the dancing went on all night and I must be unfit because I was so stiff the next day (Sunday) from the brilliant fun and dancing.

Thanks to Postash Farm in Sevenoaks for supplying the Cobnut fudge and Brittle for the Hoppers Supper and the lovely Hop Bines to decorate the event.

Thanks to all our members coming long distances from Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Cornwall, Devon and all of you from the other counties, it was lovely to see you all again.

Thank you to all the traders that came along hope you did well on the day and special thanks to Chipex for repairing my chips on my bonnet, the car looks new again.

I am so pleased to announce that with all your support we managed to raise a total of £1020.76 for charity the breakdown as follows:-

St. Johns Ambulance (caricature Artist drawings at the Hoppers Supper) - £ 168

Prostate Cancer  (Auto Jumble Stall) - £81.76

Cancer Research UK (Tombola (£200) and Raffle(£571)) - Grand Total  £771

I am also pleased to say that we also raised approx £1200 plus on the MXOC merchandising stall  so well done to all those that helped out with this, all money raised to the club.

Congratulations to all the car competition winners, I am so pleased to see so many South East entries doing so well.

A big thank you to Joe Clifford for helping judge the modified section.

Thanks to Mindshare World and Channel Flip for the filming and interviews for the Mazda Experience Facebook page, looking forward to seeing the finished article.

Thanks everyone for the lovely personnel emails they will be treasured and I want to say I am such a lucky lady to have so many kind and supportive friends, the MX-5 Owners Club really is a supperb club and it is only as good as its members and yes the South East members are very special and I thank you all and to all the other areas for your kind words.

See you at Silverstone, and the National Rally, I cannot wait to see you all again.

Have Fun in your 5

Love and Best Wishes

Sarah and Martyn xxxxx

Sarah, make sure you take it easy for a bit now please.   You deserve a rest after all the massive amounts of work you have put in… Congratulations on a job well done…

 Thanks Martin

Just finished the South East newsletter for deadline today, so now I can relax a bit and just do the mopping up of the Spring Rally bits, which will take until Friday and then I can relax and enjoy the Chocolate and Cheese Rally in Switzerland next week for that rest you mentioned he he he…

Thanks and Best Wishes

Sarah (Mazda Chick)


 £1020.76 for charity


Thats Brill…Well done everyone