The coolest car of 2024



McMurtry Spéirling


I find different people’s definition of cool really interesting. To me, ostentatious isn’t cool. I can’t think of a new car over £100k I would consider cool. But then I think the Lotus is, in an understated colour. Likewise the MX5. The Hyundai is cool in concept, but looks to me like a 13 year old doodled a body kit onto it. So for me, visually, cool is less rather than more.

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lol maybe not :rofl:

Watch the video from the embedded point:

I recall Top Gear years back did a " Cool Car" board …it was priceless…audience was in fits.
But for me, no new car can ever possibly be as cool as 2 certain classics. The Gullwing, and the Aston DB4 Zagato…followed by a good few Fezzas too numerous for this post. If I had to pick the Aston wins. For me, all new cars are just mass produced cans,including the one I just bought but it’s a remarkably nice & well engineered can. Crap Airfix interior in places though but that’s OK…we dont abuse our cars.

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I remember the Top gear cool board i never agreed with there decision on certain cars as it comes to personal choice advantage they had was they got to drive and review most cars ! They got it wrong sometimes :+1:


My son is a Ford Technician, one evening last year they let him borrow a Ford Mustang Mach-E for the evening.

This is me sitting in it thinking this is a very “cool car”.

…and I want one :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Coolest one of '25?

Decent price too, considering car prices ‘these days’.

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Totally agree ND :ok_hand: They have come so far since the days of Renault parts bins and shoddy quality…but eee by goom lad…they were lucky bag prices.
And then I see my son…a canny lad…nailing an Uncle Arnie 2 year old mint & boxed former elderly person’s lovely (?) Hoondy Tucson with 3 years warranty and 9k on the clock…all for 19k before he traded his trusty Fiesta in, and put some cash on top of his own. Its literally as new, smells like new and drives tight as just off factory line. So he ends up net net with a low bucks 4 year PCP. ( First baby due in June…slight change or lifestyle and fwd planning) Thing is…long gone are my father’s days of picking an Austin/ Morris, Standard Vanguard, or Vauxhall summat. It’s bewildering out there now.

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Is it just me or does anyone else think that those types of car are way too big? I mean some are the size of a Transit Van!

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