Thruxton Historic 2024

Hi Everyone,

Details for Thruxton Historic 2024 have now been finalised and you can now purchase tickets via the calendar post via this handy link;

Thruxton Historic - Car Clubs 2024 - Thruxton Circuit (

Handy tips on how to order your tickets are given below;

To purchase discounted car club tickets and supply vehicle details for a free club display vehicle pass visit the dedicated car club ticket booking page (see link below). Each order allows you to book one free vehicle display pass when purchasing the driver and any passenger tickets.

Adult Car Club Tickets: One day £15 Weekend £28

Children 15 years and under admitted free with an adult ticket holder.

Scroll down to the numbered section, select a ticket type/day, and click ‘ADD TO BASKET’

Click ‘CHECKOUT NOW’ to go to your basket where you can amend ticket quantities.

Enter code MX5OC245TH in the DISCOUNT CODE field (bottom left of the basket) click APPLY to activate the discount, repeat for each ticket type on the order.

Please check the total before clicking PROCEED TO CHECKOUT

Car Club tickets must be booked by 2pm Monday 17th June. Tickets and display vehicle passes will be sent to club members by first class post on or before this date.

NB: PLEASE EMAIL US ON: to confirm your ticket(s) purchase and please state which day(s) you will be attending, either Sat 22nd June or Sun 23rd June or both!

Finally, a list of attendees thus far, is given below, for those we have an email from confirming their purchase of tickets for this prestigious event :smiley:
NB: The list will be updated as I receive notification of ticcket purchases.

List of Sat 22nd June Attendees

  1. Roger Mead
  2. Ian Anders
  3. Moira Anders
  4. Richard Owen
  5. Gary Haynes
  6. Rose Haynes
  7. Simon Turner
  8. Harry Turner (Under 15)
  9. Gary Haynes
  10. Rose Haynes
  11. Phil Williams
  12. James Williams (Age 15)
  13. James Cole

List of Sunday 23rd June Attendees

  1. Mal Rowland
  2. Mal’s Guest
  3. Judith Sheen
  4. Alastair Sheen
  5. Richard Owen
  6. Sally Newman
  7. Colin Newman
  8. Francesco Favatella
  9. Steve Mantell (LagunaBlueMolly94)
  10. Roger Mantell (LagunaBlueMoly94)
  11. Martin Down
  12. Judy (Martins passenger)
  13. Luke Gardiner
  14. Paul Cleaver
  15. Chris Unstead
  16. Stephen Goddard
  17. Howard & Julie Lawrence

Best Regards

Team Solent

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An excellent day last year.
Thanks Mal and Iain.

Many thanks for all the replies thus far. A list of attendees has been added to Post#1 for ccompleteness for those confirming their ticket piurschase for this event :wink:

Team Solent

Hi Mal,
I’ll be attending on the Saturday only as there is a convertible meet at Wilton House on the Sunday.
Thanks for sourcing this.
Best wishes

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Ps: have bought ticket: easy peasie :blush:

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Hi Everyone,

Please see Post#1 which has been modified to show wich days members are attending.

Please could all those who have purchased tickets already, please confirm which day or days your are attending, i.e. Sat or Sunday or Both?

This is due to the fact that some members will prefer the Saturday and others the Sunday, We will then be able to slot you into the right column in the list of attendees :wink:

Kind regards


Steve Mantell (LagunablueMolly94) and brother Roger Mantell will be attending Sunday, but not Saturday as listed currently. Thanks!

Hi Mal, I have just bought tickets for the Sunday meeting for Judy and myself.



Great news, it will be good to have you both along for this event👍

Best Regards


Hi Mal,

We’ve purchased tickets for Sunday 23rd June, will you please include us on your list.


Sally & Colin

Hi Mal,
I have just booked tickets for Rose and I on the Saturday.

Hi Everyone,

Life has been a bit hectic of late, as my Mother in Law has been very poorly in Hospital, so getting time to update the forum posts has been a bit lacking, for which I apologise

However, I have just been online and updated this thread for Thruxton Historic and a revised list is given in Post #1 :smiley:

Again, if anyone notices any errors for the days they have booked, please let me know sooenst and I will do my best to rectify things.

Best Regards


We have got ticket for the Sunday
Howard & Julie

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