We have 0 places left on our Skid Pan Day at Thruxton Circuit on Friday 12th July 2024. We have exclusive use of the pan for the whole day and will be using our own cars. This will give drivers the chance to learn how to handle their own car. The day starts at 8.00 for a briefing then we will take it in turns to drive with six revolutions of the pan before the next driver takes off, and so on for the whole day until 15:30. there is a cafe for refreshments. The cost is £56.25 for the day per car. Please contact Mark McNally at to register and get instructions how to pay.
Can’t make it, but pls keep me informed if you do another.
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Having done Thruxton with my son in the instructor cars last year , its definitely beneficial to learn and for the cost the club has worked on, if you can make it do. Its all safe for cars as a wide open area . My wife was a driving instructor and advanced driver and always told her pupils to go and have fun and learn on a skid pan.
I strongly recommend doing skid training in a proper safe area like the Thruxton skid pan, and it’s good fun too.
Better still, it sets up your instinctive reflex reactions for a longer life.
I learnt my skid/drift training in the bad old days of rear wheel drive bangers with grotty remould tyres, no power and useless brakes; it was quicker A->B not to slow down for the corners, merely drop a cog and drift the back end, that way you didn’t roll the unstable 1951 car.
I do not recommend this. When my Mum found out why the rear tyres were wearing out so soon I had to buy the next set!
So when I came to UK and drove an old '57 Zephyr on winter snow for the first time, it was a doddle; the back slid all over the place, passengers went very, very quiet, but the car stayed on the road.

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Certainly sounds tempting…
I did this session last year, and have booked again for this year.
Whenever I have done a skid pan session (and I’ve done a few over the years) I have always learnt something new. I can highly recommend the activity - you’ll learn a lot about the handling of you car in a very safe environment, and it’s a lot of fun as well.
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I’ve mailed Mark this am so hoping there are still spaces
I’m not sure yet.
If the day goes as well as last year, I may consider making it an annual event for the area.
Depends how much appetite there is.
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well I suppose I will see you lot on Friday… 
Woopee radio controlled Madge is coming too, looking forward to meeting everyone on Friday.
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Im booked on for Friday. Is there any details on where to meet or arrive specifically? Thankyou
Posted on our Facebook page. Meet at Thruxton Circuit ready for 8.00am briefing. Enter by main gate and just before the tunnel entrance there is a large parking area to the right.
Must have missed that. Thankyou
Really good fun this.
Here’s my pictures
Video to follow
(once i get it processed)
Thanks for organising today - that was epic fun!
Yes, many thanks to Mark (and everybody else involved) - another great day. I hope that it will make its way onto the calendar as an annual event now…
I had an amazing time on Friday, thank you so much for organising!
Met some great people and left feeling a bit more confident with the car.
I would absolutely do this again if it comes up 
Arm twisted and Mark has kindly offered to do it for the third time next year. Once again thanks Mark for doing all the hard work.