Please if you wish to come on Tour A, please can you send your booking form to us, even if you do not wish to come to the hoppers meal, we are still taking bookings for the Tours so we have a rough idea of how many we need to cater for on the day. Tour A is the only guided convoy, Tour B, C, D and E these are self guided and downloaded for those that wish to have a go at these.
Please note that due to numbers we will be offering guided convoy for people that have booked, if you turn up expecting guided tour and not booked you may just get the instructions to do yourself, sorry this is because we have a limited amount of lead drivers we can cater for 180 cars on the day for booked convoy so get your form to us as soon as possible.
We have had several forms thank you but deadline is the 16th April, the booking form will be in the next issue April STHT if you have lost your previous form, That gives you two weeks to book thank you. There are still some bookable places for Tour A so please send us your form.
Please send the booking form with Tour A which is a guided tour to the address at the bottom of the form, IF YOU BOOK YOU WILL RECEIVE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS AND A BIT ABOUT THE AREA YOU ARE VISITING.
We are looking forward to showing you the Kent countryside, we will be having the full details as a downloadable detail by the end of April for all to download and enjoy in you own time if you wish
Paul and Jenny Cleaver and Sarah and Martyn