Tracking down my old MX5 ! Green 1996 1.8i Reg P75KSG


I am a new member from Aberdeen and I would love to track down my old MX5 to see if the current owner would like to sell it to me! I appreciate that there ares GDPR regulations in place which prevent sharing of personal info, so my hope is that the current owner sees this post decides that they would like to get in touch with me through the the MX5 owners club webpage

The car is a 1996 Green MX5 1.8i, Reg P75KSG

I bought this car new in Aberdeen in 1996. I added a sticker front number plate, a rear luggage rack and some cool little after-market fog lights for its mouth. I spent a fair bit of time blasting that thing over the Grampian mountains. Probably the most fun you could have had with your clothes on! I moved to London 10 months after buying it and eventually sold it after one year of ownership as I discovered there was little point in owing a car in central London. I sold it to a young lady in Fulham in 1997. I can see from the DVLA data base that the car is still taxed and MOT’d, so I know its alive.

Over the years I’ve owed a lot of cars, mostly big fast German ones. A few years ago I tracked down my very first car - an MGB GT which I owned in 1987. I bought it back and restored it, so I have a track record for this type of thing!

Anyway, I am guessing this car is still in London. I would love to speak to the owner

I have attached a photo (I hope I attached it correctly) of the car. I took that photo on the day I bought it in 1996…

Many thanks

Mazda MX5

Still taxed and MOT’d (though I’m sure you’ve checked that) and a fairly average MOT history suggesting required sill repairs on a couple of occasions. Good luck with the search.

Thanks. I would really like to find it. Hopefully the owner, or someone who know the owner and tells them, gets in touch. It was my first new car!

Best of luck with search , have a look in all Mx5 forums there is lots on Facebook, there is uk plus worldwide forums too , I am sure someone will know :+1::pray: There is Mx5 life , Mx5 forum , miata owners Mx5 nutzs , mk1 owners , Mx5 dogs , just type in Mx5 groups in search join groups , also Mx5 buy and sell may be listed who knows , let us know if you find your old 5 :pray:

Brilliant - great tips - I will get started this afternoon

If I find it, I will do an update post

Thanks for your help

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Previous owner looking for this car as they would like to buy it back!!!

Owner bought this car new in Aberdeen in 1996. Its plate is P75KSG and a 1.8. Moved to London a year after buying it eventually sold it there.

DVLA shows that it’s still alive and getting MOTs, so it may still be in London ?!

If the owner sees this post (or someone who knows them) please DM get in touch.

The photo is from Stonehaven beach when the car was brand new !

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Interesting indeed - good memory.