trip to Copenhagen and the oresund Bridge


PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:07 am    Post subject: Summer european trip Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post

Very Happy Hi to all,My son and I are going down to Geydon to the Motor museum with both our cars, (huge event hundreds of fantastic cars organised by Arizonasun on Mx5 owners club forum for more info) it's on the Sat 27th June 4th July.
After the event we are driving to Dover for the ferry to France, to tour for a week.I have a thing about great road bridges so. the intention is to drive via France,Belguim,Germany into Denmark,drive the southern islands of that country to Copenhagen.
The bridge we intend to cross is the longest of it's kind in Europe (if not the world) The crossing to Malmo in Sweden is a mix,the first four miles is a tunnel which then rises out of the Baltic sea the it is a four lane east/west bridge over to Sweden.
We intend to camp en route,the mileage to copenhagen is only 650 miles. The route back will be via the east coast of Denmark,north Grmany,into Holland,then follow the coast via Belgium and France back to Dunkirk,it is 715 on the return leg.
Costs so far,Norfolkline ferries car +1 £ 41;00 return
fuel approx £ 200;00
campsites £ 75;00

If anyone is interested please contact me for more information



Now my plans for Lemans have fallen through I would be interested in this



 Hi Brian,please give me a call on Mobile 07882 535139 and I can give more info about anytime.

