Turning the engine over without firing…

Usually you can pull the fuel injection fuse, but l saw a suggestion that just flooring the throttle whilst turning the engine over was a simpler way to achieve this. On the face of it seems a neat option to get the oil circulating : after a change for example.
One, does it work, and two, any downside?
Just curious if anyone has been there

Why not just pull the fuse.

No idea which MX5 you have, presumably NC.

One reason not to do it is you accidently crank with the throttle not all the way open, because of short legs, a floor mat, the wrong shoes etc. Then you will start and engine without much oil coating stuff… Then in a panic, you shut off, flooding the engine.

Pulling a fuse is easier. But then, unless you are priming a rebuilt engine, you will still have oily stuff coating things after an oil change. Garages don’t bother with that pulling fuse malarkey. They just start the engine.

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If an NC partially fill the new oil filter before refitting, that’s my method.

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When I was a nipper Dad taught me this changing the oil on his new Austin A40 Farina Countryman, and it served he and I well ever since. Just be carefull not to drop the half full new oil filter before it is screwed on.

With the NC the engine won’t fire if you floor the throttle when starting up.

That’s what I do after an oil change. Why on earth would it be necessary to pull a fuse or fill the filter when the car has this feature?

The filter is in an awkward enough situation as it is, without making it needlessly more difficult.

Flooring the throttle at start up at service stations on a long journey is a good way to wind up the passenger, but the Mrs is wise to my shenanigans now.

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The wide open throttle feature is documented in the Owners Manual under “Starting a Flooded Engine” or something.

Is the “full throttle” feature just for the nc or does it work on na/nb/nd?

With my nc3 laid up for a while and especially on cold mornings I’ve got into the habit of doing this, as it’s a quieter start.
Floor it first, turn ignition key second. About three seconds does it for me - then ignition off. And yes, it winds the missus up no end.

For the ND you can fully fill the oil filter.

Works on the ND.

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Pretty sure that it works on all MX-5.

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Giving the throttle a good push while cranking the engine can totally get that oil moving after an oil change. It’s a simple trick that can save you some hassle. But, yeah, I get why some folks might worry about putting extra stress on the engine.