UK ND RF - Launch Edition - Soul Red - time for upgrades!

I went down the FreakyParts route as it was the best “bang for buck” option from my research:

Brand Description Price Provider
Wilwood 4-Pot £900 BBR
Brembo 4-Pot Clio/Megan Cup £1,100 FreakyParts
Wilwood 4-Pot £1,150 BOFI
Wilwood 6-Pot £1,200 BBR
Wilwood 6-Pot £1,700 Racing Beat Europe
Brembo 4-Pot Mazda £1,700 MX5Parts

Note, some of the above might include fitting so and others are estimates so take everything with a pinch of salt :slight_smile:

When I was looking I wanted bigger (Freaky Parts also comes with a larger 2-piece disc) and weatherproof after by Wilwwods decided to leak out of the seals giving me three options:

  1. Oversized O-Rings (plaster rather than a fix)
  2. Custom Pistons (expensive and could still be an issue
  3. New Caliper (could still be an issue)
  4. New Brakes

I chose option 4 and haven’t had any issues since fitting earlier this year and I have done quite a few miles to say the least!

The FreakyParts kit and Wilwood from BOFI are the only ones on that list with larger discs, the rest mount onto the factory discs (or slightly different factory discs if talking about the Mazda Brembo kit discs).