Met Office weather for today updated at 6.53am low cloud am/midday, pos drizzle/light rain pm ,[:(] Temp 6C wind Westerly 12mph gusts 22mph!
See you all later
Met Office weather for today updated at 6.53am low cloud am/midday, pos drizzle/light rain pm ,[:(] Temp 6C wind Westerly 12mph gusts 22mph!
See you all later
Hey Sarah, just a quick thanks for (yet another) a great day out. A great turnout, and we all got to the pub ok too.
You and Bob certainly organised it well and everyone seemed to have a good time.
Well done
Thanks Sarah & Bob for organising a great day…
And nobody got lost on way to pub this year!!!
Good to see some old faces and meet some new ones…
Thanks Sarah - Great Valentines Drive.
Wot’s next
Hope your operation goes well. . .
Tony & Lou
Thanks everyone for making the Valentines Drive a great success, it was lovely to see you all over 70 plus members I think lost count but Bob has final numbers.
Thanks for Rising Sun and Goonz rescuing us on journey through Lewes, sorry not used to Sussex don’t get over the border very often…!!!
We had a laugh and that’s what it’s all about, can’t wait for the next big event, sorry not looked in diary yet too early in the morning for me…
Thanks for all your best wishes for my opp on the 12th March you are a lovely bunch of people.
Hopefully will be okay for the 4th April for the Royal Marsden Easter Egg Run. See you all then.
Sarah (Mazda Chick)
No problem Sarah, it was quite good to see the look on your face when we were going the other way towards the Lewes tunnel and you turned round to join us…only to see us going back the other way through the tunnel again…[:D]
The banter on the walkie talkies made the journey on the way back great fun…
Thanks for organising the run, good luck with the operation in March…[Y]
Here’s a few pictures taken during the day…
Hi Rising sun
Love the pictures, I have some pictures but still not sure how to put on the forum, I had instructions from Eric Terry, and it worked when he gave the tuition but since then cannot get it to work, sorry cannot seem to post them.
Mazda Chick