Wanted - PRHT emergency manual tool kit

My new-to-me PRHT came without the emergency tool kit (hex key + threaded rod + string) used for manually closing the roof.

Before I put together a bitsa kit from eBay, has anybody got a spare set?

Where would this normally live in the car ? I have a PRHT and don’t ever remember seeing such a thing !

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Glove box - if its in the boot and you have a roof failure you not be able to access it. Looks like a couple of tent pegs and a length of string.

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No idea there was such a thing either! I’ll go searching in mine tomorrow!

It looks like this:

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I don’t have one of those either, probably not uncommon. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

This thread may help with parts to make one up.:+1:

Mine lives in the pouch on the back of the passenger seat. Normal :man_shrugging:

Didn’t even know there was a pouch on the seat…Will have a look

Mine is in the glovebox
Hopefully wont need it thou :slight_smile:

I found my kit in the pouch behind the passenger seat - who knew the pouch was there!

can also be in the rigtht hand cubby hole in the boot wing with the jack!

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As has been mentioned, this is not a good place to keep it!

I know BUT that’s where mine was when I got the car.
Just saying - it might be where the kit is hiding in the OP car :wink:


(I am the OP, by the way, and it’s definitely not in the car. I have another PRHT, so am familiar with anywhere that it could be hiding. I don’t know why these kits go missing so often - it’s not as if the parts would be particularly useful anywhere else!)

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Just for info, I’ve found mention of it in the manual. It’s ‘official’ storage location is the glovebox:


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