Waverley Steamer volunteer needed

For one day next year, of a day and the Clyde destination of your choice, plus paid for by me in terms of fuel, food, and boarding pass, I’m looking for a willing soul to Wing Man me on her. My Papa was a cabinet maker on Waverley the 2nd which is what we see today, the first having been destroyed during the Little Ships evacuations at Dunkirk.

As some of you know, I’m on the same page as Chris Hoy, but I’ve fought back into a remission which is an unkown time stamp. Plus, I’ve made a decent recovery to “just” Chronic Heart AF & COPD to just Critical, which for age 72 they tell me is a bit remarkable. Oh…forgot…also have beaten the Celtic Curse congential blood from having a pint a month sucked out, to 1 per 4 months.

So, all in all, I’m pretty robust ,levelled out at 40,000 feet cruising, and up for a jolly good fight when comes. Thing is , you wont get any of my family of near a boat. Last ship Missus was on was the Herald of Free Enterprise 2 two weeks after the other one flipped, and trust the Channel to blow a hooly when we were on it. The vomit ran down the scuppers from other passengers.

So if anyone fancies a fully funded day on Waverley, I’d be obliged. Mrs Fiver wont let me go solo. I know I could, but…you know how it is. It wont cost you a cent. I insist upon that, bar a bit of time. Many thanks in anticipation.


Greetings ‘MX-5 Legend’ from Newcastle-under-Lyme, STAFFS

If Bullit and I lived closer we’d be honoured to be your ‘Wing Woman’

But I suspect others closer and less ‘cream crackered’ will hopefully hear your call

Kindest to you and Mrs Fiver :heart:


I know you would! :bouquet:

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Just a word of warning. I’m getting to take the tiller for a wee bit…so if we end up in the Western Isles, you’ll know why! :laughing:


Hmm… you were on one trip that had ‘trouble’ berthing a few years ago, is this the truth coming out :smiley:


“Left hand down a bit…”


I used to love seeing the Waverley when she was birthed in Bristol docks during the nineties and always wondered what it would be like to go for a spin aboard her.

Do you have a date when you are looking to go as I might be able to make it part of a very long away weekend from Londidnium ?

No expenses beyond the boarding pass if you already have it necessary.

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Sounds amazing. I haven’t been on the Waverley for decades but just a couple of months ago the Mrs and I were on an Isle of Wight ferry and a ship passing a couple of miles in front of us looked for all the world as if it might be a paddle steamer… Yes, of course it was. Unmistakable and unique. Have a great trip when it comes.


The Waverely Owners have the Outer Scottish Island pier visits done. it will not be until earlish Spring till they publish the Clyde ones…eg Largs…Arran…so on.
I have a few Wing People booked already.! More the merrier though. I will be asking IanH and his goo d lady to set an irrevocable date & destination next year since they responded almost immediately. I do not really have a destination preferred, so long as I get on it. My Grandfather was one of the carpenters who built the inside panels & seats. Many thanks for your post! If you make it, as a person of my word, I will refund your ticket cost no problem. I was only budgeting for one…if any! :joy:


Sounds like a fun owners club outing. Fingers crossed the dates work and I can get a carer in for my old man :wink: Do not hesitate to PM me as I cannot relied upon to always check the forum when things get busy at home.

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Roger that. Will do.

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It’s just to say from Mrs ScottishFiver & son, a sincere thanks for everyone stepping in to see me OK on the day. Ian & Missus are pretty much in charge now as my Principal Wing Persons. :blush:
They are essentially my H&S :rofl:…though I’m tough still and independent…drove 300 miles two weeks past up the West.
I’ll just turn up at the embarking venue that they determine, like any others. It’s not just “my day”, it’s for everyone.

As ar as I’m concerned that’s the “issue” dealt with however…it’s nice to see other 5-ers joining in and again you would be so very welcome to make it an even more Special Day if that was even possible!

If anyone else does wish to meet at the Spring published day, feel free under your own steam ( :sweat_smile:) Remember, I am neither a Club member nor unfortunately a 5 owner…both of which were proving difficult for me to get in and out of for a while (although I’m far far better now) enter Swift Sport.

Basically the matter is now rested till next Spring, and it’s given me a great day on my bucket list to look forward to, health allowing.
What a wonderful bunch of chaps & chapettes. I do miss a lot of you.


I’ll update this thread and anyone who has been in direct contact nearer the time, the Clyde schedule for Waverley will not be released until early next year, looking forward to it :grinning:


Unwritten Club Rule :thinking:

“ONCE an MX-5 er…ALWAYS an MX-5 er” …[regardless of change of circs due to ‘Life, The Universe and (almost) Everything !’]…me finks

Looking forward to hearing about your ‘Bucket List’ adventure on The Waverley :grinning:


I can hear the strains of Hotel California in the distance…
Relax, " said the night man, "We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"


Got it :hugs:

[For some reason I can’t explain]

It’s the track ‘The Last Resort’ on that Album that somehow touches me deeply…no idea why


We are in principle ‘Off Thread’ and onto Album Appreciation

Who Cares…I don’t

DO IT ‘YOUR WAY’ [Sinatra]

And I’ll challenge any Area Coordinator that sez otherwise

Thankfully it won’t be IanH :owl:

Funnily enough, my brother sent me this from his morning cycle commute today.
It’s a beautiful machine for sure.


High Scotty Fiver. Iam a plastic Jock as I was born in little Scotland 76 years ago (Corby steel works).
And family history has told me that some of my family were involved in the building of the Waverley. I used to spend my school holidays in Dumbarton/Rothesay/Glasgow and yes I have travelled on that wonderful boat many times. (not for many years now though). Hopefully maybe another trip one day when I go up to one of my favourite sites at Tigh Mor in the Trossachs

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It’s quite amazing how the old girl continues to bring long lost friends together again. And she will be doing it for decades ahead after the nut and bolt restoration strip down a few years ago.

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Hi guys. I would like to join you if possible.


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