West London Area, Day Trip to the Cotswolds - 16th August 2009

 I meant “commitments” in the last post… that’s what you get for not checking what you’ve typed,  before you hit post…!! 

 We are now fully booked for lunch, anyone else wishing to join us for the run…no problem, but you will have to bring a picnic!!


Everyone who is on Bobs list, I will post up the Menu later…I need to know what you want to eat for lunch please[:D]

 O.K guys and gals…unless you are vegetarian your choice is Lamb, Pork, Beef or Chicken (half)…I need to know ASAP please.

If you are vegetarian let me know and I will give you your (vast) choice [:D]

I’ll probably be along for this as well, joining the 8am crew I think.


Chicken for me please - will need a break from red meat after breakfast [;)]


Eastern Region member here, sorry to sound theeek, if we want to join you on 16/8,what are the choices and times available please?. Can we still sneek in for brekkie, but not lunch? 



PS May get to meet Cotswold Melody, far sooner than I thought…   


 Hi Andrew…you can meet Bob at 8am at Beaconsfield, Jenny & Dave in Oxford at about  or direct to Chipping Norton to meet the rest of us at   Of course you can come for brekkie…and the after brealfast run…and before you know it…it will be lunchtime [:P]

And as for meeting me…Yikes!!! [;)]

Bob and I will be weaving our good weather spell…its going to be topless all the way…and plenty of waves too! [:D]

 Grrr…I cant edit my last post [:@]

Beaconsfield @8am

Oxford @9am

Chipping Norton @9.45am


and YES Suzybee…we WILL be going UP Fish hill!!! [:)]

You couldn’t go to the cotswolds without going up Fish Hill.

I am on a run the day before too - from Reading to Glastonbury and back (with the other lot) so I may let you all pass me on the hill!   (yeah right)  [;)]



 The best road in the area [H] - you can park at the top by broadway tower - have a coffee / snack in the cafe and wonder about the hill side.



 Fish Hill is the only bit of the run you know about…the rest will be revealed on the day [6]

 Right, decision made, will meet up at 9 at Oxford. Will be staying in hotel etc locally, not sure where yet, will be for 3 nights, 14-16, return to sleepy Suffolk on 17/8. Any accommodation recommendations? Looking to tour Cotswolds for first time ever!





 Well Done Andrew! If you dont mind travel lodge, there is one at peartree, which is where you will be meeting most peeps…so you could almost fall out of bed, into your 5 and be heading towards brekkie within a 5 minute timescale (well OK…10 minutes then!)

ty , will look that up, we could just sleep in the 5…see everyone in no time at all. 

 As long as it stays dry I can guarantee everyone will have a wonderful drive![:D]


Now let me have your lunch choices please guys!!!  LAMB BEEF PORK or CHICKEN

 Hi Cotswold Melody - we’ll go with beef x 2 please.  Really looking forward to the drive and keeping everything crossed for a dry day!  See you in a couple of weeks.





 Thanks CC…yes, we have just finalized the run…and now I have run out of printer ink!! lol



 Purps, John & Linda and AndrewM  please can I have your meal choices please?

Lamb, beef, pork or half chicken

Thanks :slight_smile:

Is it too late to put our names on the list? (we’re happy to bring a picnic) and meet you at Ma Larkins for breakfast if we can.

Awfully sorry guys, am going to have to pull out of this one, we have to go to Cornwall for various weddings!

Sorry again. Next time!