sat nav proble sat nat not finding signal
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As above but this Online manual - MX5 Manual | Mazda MX5 (Mk4) 2015+ may be where you will find your answer to the question that we are unable to decipher.
OK not 100% sure what the poroblem is but…
If the map isn’t coming up on the screen then remove and reinsert the SD card. It’s behind the oblong flap next to the USB sockets at the front of the centre console. If there isn’t an SD card then you don’t have the SatNav option or the card has been removed.
If you have the map on screen but it won’t find your location then reboot the unit. Turn on the unit. On the control panel on the console hold down the mute on the volume knob, the back arrow and the Nav button. Keep them held down and after around ten seconds the screen will go black and you can release. The unit will then reboot.