When will the ND stop working?!

Key in MY pocket, start car and put on drive, WIFE gets in and drives off on her own. So when will I get the phone call?
In reality the stop/start kicked in and fortunately it restarted as normal and then, by good luck, the spare key was at my wife’s destination, so no real harm done other than ‘red faces’ all round.
So exactly when would the SH1T have hit the fan? Answers on a 'post’card below please.

I would GUESS that once the car reached the destination and the start button was pushed to turn it off, it would be unable to start it again?


Probably when the insurance company wouldn’t have paid out, because someone stole your unattended car while left running


Can’t help the original poster with his question, but did a similar thing with my wife and her Kuga. Dropped her at Tesco,then went to the tip. Was just about to press the start stop button then realised that she had the key fob. Unloaded the car with engine running,then went back to Tesco carpark.


Didn’t you get the bonkers ‘no key’ alarm? My wife was always doing this when I drive ‘her’ Kuga and it would start going mad shouting no key key at me. Our 6 also does the same, i’m not sure what the 5 does will have to test :stuck_out_tongue:

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No ‘alarm’ mentioned but that does not mean anything!!!
Please feel free to make up your own super sexist none pc remarks, neither of us will be offended by any of them, just a shame we can no longer indulge in print for fear of ‘reprisals’.

Ran a test. Turned my ND on and started it in with the usual procedure, left the engine running (It’s out of sight so don’t worry), took the keyfob indoors and put it in it’s “faraday cage” storage, went out car still running, pushed the “start/stop” button to turn it off, left it for about a minute and pushed the button again in the usual manner, two stop with the orange light, clutch down press again the light in the switch now green just flashes and the car doesn’t start. Hope that answers the question.