Who should be banned from the road? An un-PC, but honest thread

Those people who I can just barely see their eyes above their steering wheel as they drive towards me.

Anyone else worth banning?


People who do not remove their car parking sticky things from their drivers side window. I’ve seen (always women) some windows with quite a few stuck on it. Why ?

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Blimey, after two posts we’ve got women and shorties.

I can see this thread going down a very worrying path


Any eejit who doesn’t understand the value ( not to mention courtesy) of effective use of indicators.


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Anybody who’s in front of me and who wants to drive slower than me.

Anybody who’s behind me and wants to drive faster than me.

Anybody who thinks that Mazda made a car called the MX5.

The locals down here in South Devon would ban all tourists but they would be forgetting that these people, me for about 20+ years before I finally moved down, pay all their bills!!
I won’t forget it, the tourists are far better people than the locals:-)

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It used to be people who drove around with their front foglights on all the time,but since the advent of DRLs that doesn’t seem to be a thing any more.So now it has to be tailgaters.


I’d ban drivers who drive in poor weather conditions with their pretty DRLs on totally unaware they have no rear lights on


Anyone caught doing 70+ in a 30mph residential area. Off to the gallows with you.

150+ on an empty motorway or wide section of road in the ■■■-end of nowhere where you’ll only kill yourself, not a problem in my book.


As someone who has a 20 mile each way daily commute on a motorway, I’d love to see something done about lane hoggers.


Those people at petrol stations…who once they have filled up their cars and paid, sit at the pump, either putting lippy on, applying mascara, doing their hair and then deciding what radio station to listen to.
Don’t get me started on the women…!!:laughing:


Almost as bad are the frantic weavers cutting in too soon left or right, apparently without looking, in order to swap lanes all the time; ostensibly to simply keep left while also overtaking, but blatantly ignoring the basics of leaving plenty of room with smooth predictable driving.

Son-in-law is an HGV driver often with max-load. He loves the job, but hates the stress of seeing eejits cutting in tight in front of his artic.

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And the ones who, before they’ve paid decide to have a leisurely browse round the shop, then do their entire week’s shopping before paying for their fuel and moving off…

Can I also add…
All white vans


You mean BMW drivers, just say it :joy:


People who come up the inside lane while you are overtaking someone who is in the inside lane then cut you up, you the give a toot, so they brake test you :rage:


Never agitate an eejit, our lives are all too short.

Keep away a safe distance to avoid collateral damage, and allow them to proceed to find another eejit with the enhanced critical-mass wind-up possibility of mutual extermination.


I also find ugly old gits in my vision when driving offensive; note to self, adjust the rear view mirror.

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Numpties who have their fog lights on, when it’s only raining!:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Middle lane/outside lane hoggers. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Selfish Tw¥€$, who think it’s ok to use disabled spaces, because they’re either to lazy or just self-entitled arrogant idiots and think it’s beneath them to park another 20’ further away. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Boy racers with pop and bang remaps. :scream::headphones:

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Years ago you have had a look at the points and checked the mixture :joy:

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I took the first post to be aimed at the guys/gals who recline the seat so they can hardly see over the dash.
Looks like they are having a lie down whilst driving.