Why has my post been removed?

Please can an administrator advise why my recent post advertising my car for sale has been removed?

many thanks

Hi Westie


Had a look at the holding area no sign of it there, one of the other mods or admins may have moved it, not me

Hi Westie

I thought I saw on the post that that the car had been sold?

When cars/parts are sold the moderators often remove the posts as no longer relevant(for sale).    



Yes the car has been sold but I noticed many others still remain on the site even when marked as sold so just wondered why mine had been taken off. 

Thanks for your replies. 

I think the post removal is random. I personally like to see when parts/cars have sold but in some cases I imagine the posts with sold items may relegate items currently for sale.

My idea would be to sort on for sale / sold so that items still for sale would always rank above those sold but sold items could still be perused.

Anyways, congratulations on selling the car - does this mean you are no longer going to be an MX5 owner - what next? 

Sold items are normally removed manually as and when seen, Put into an area “Old Stuff and SOLD” which may not be visible


Thanks very much, I am still in the club and an owner so its all good!

Thanks, it does seem to be very random though as there are SOLD cars still showing from over a year ago.

The system should remove posts after 60 days of no action whatever status if you read the post rules at the top of the for sale forum but that doesn’t appear to be happening

As already commented on I do like to see the history of sold items. If a seller wants this removed he/she is quite at liberty to edit their posts.

There appear to be others who would also like sold posts to remain.

If anyone has the time, it would be nice to see this accommodated.

Perhaps a tick box activated on the original post by the seller when a car/item has been sold that transfers the thread to a sold area that we can still view?  


Interested in this as my mk1 classified for sale ad was removed very promptly, never to be seen again! Fortunately, for me at least, the identical ad was posted on Mx5Nutz where it remains long after the sale. I personally like to see the old ads, they can be a reference for future sales, etc. I did ask where it had disappeared to but was not given an explanation as far as I remember? I did try the link posted here but access denied  I guess the archived ads could become congested though?


if anyone’s interested? http://www.mx5nutz.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=221617&hl=%2Bbettabuilda%26%2339%3Bs+%2Bretro+%2Broadster