Wind Deflector actual purpose?

I have an NC. New to MX5 ownership since April. Can anyone tell me what the purpose of the small plastic “wind deflector” is? I reckon you all might say that the purpose is to deflect wind, but… it appears to make no difference to anything up or down. I’m curious.


It certainly makes a difference on our NC1 Sport. I can tell whether it’s up or down without looking.
Driving with it down there’s more draughts and more noise.
Don’t think Mazda would’ve gone to all the trouble of designing, manufacturing and fitting it if it didn’t do anything.


It is supposed to take way up to 70% of the wind from the cabin.
I can also tell that it makes a big difference in my Sport Black.

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Mine is a 2.0 Sport also. To be fair I mainly leave the top up as I use it for motorsport 95% of the time. But, when we do go out with top down I feel no difference. How does it actually work though? So, the wind is being deflected by the windscreen isn’t it?


Basically it reduces the fallout of turbulent air off the top of the windscreen around your neck and shoulders. Ignore the fact that that the car in the illustration is a Z something the principle is there…


Yes, the wind actually hits you on the back of the head.

I remember the days of my missus having long hair and sitting there in my MGB with it being blown forward, not back.

Not a good look.

I get less buffeting with the windows up too.

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The speed you are driving at must be a factor too.

With my first ND I took the wind deflector off all together and kept it in the boot. I never noticed a difference with it there or not for most of my driving. Hitting about 55-60 odd then yes it was more noticeable then but never offensive.

Can you get clear acrylic wind blockers for NC’s :thinking::thinking:. I have one on my ND and it’s pretty cool… and that’s not because it stops any “buffeting” :rofl::rofl:


Would not be without my old school deflector.
Stops the airflow grabbing my wife’s long blonde locks from whipping around her face but you need both side windows up to aid the aero.


It really only does anything with the windows up.


At 6’ tall my head is all ready close to the top of the windscreen of my NBFL but with the windows up my shoulders definitely know if the draft deflector is up or down.

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It stops or at least slows down the air buffeting caused by the areo dynamic change when the roof is down. I promise you the Japanese engineers know what they are doing .:wink:


It’s supposed to reduce the feeling of wind-in-your-hair, open-top motoring.

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When I was a hairy chested member of the MGB GT community we called it a “girly screen”.


But you did not need a toupee back then :face_with_thermometer:

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Surely a back draught is useful north of the border to stop kilts billowing up, Marilyn Monroe style, when driving with the top down.

So no wind blockers up there then?


Yes you can get perspex wibdblocker for NC. Check out Paul Kent, on mx5 Facebook or eBay. He does then for NC and ND.


This one seems to work pretty well…

Don’t know where from as it was on the car when i bought it.


How very DARE you?


As some others have said, the wind deflector is more effective and more noticeable with the side windows up and when you’re travelling at speed.
For me - in an early-ish NA V Special with very little cabin storage - I also appreciate the two little pockets that the Mk II deflector has got. It’s very handy for CDs.

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Paul Kent masquerades as
@Roadie on here

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