Windows icon for MX-5 owners club

I’ve been trying to find an icon to use as a Windows 7 desktop short cut to the MX-5 Owners Club site. For some reason it has simply defaulted to the Chrome symbol (yawn). I managed to find this little icon of a red cabriolet so thought I’d share it in the forum. If anyone has something better, please share too.
Windows uses a .ico file which unfortunately can’t be uploaded on this site so I’ve attached a .png file. You can then go to PNG to ICO Converter - and drop the .png file and it’ll convert for you, free-of-charge, to .ico. Once you’ve got it on your PC you can right-click on the MX-5 short cut, right-click “Properties” and find where it says “Change icon”. You can then direct it to your new .co file.
Don’t ask me how you do it for a Mac - haven’t got a bug’s notion, haha.

A great thought–but there’s no attachment or link to the little red cab!
Unless, of course, the attachments don’t show on mobile, in which case feel free to ignore me and go about your day! :sweat_smile:

Sorry about that. Must have had a senior moment. Hopefully it appears now :wink:


Excellent. Many thanks

I’ve just adjusted the colour slightly to almost match my car.


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Adjusted slightly?! It’s a respray, haha