2001 NB-FL Ground Wire - Where Does It End?

Got a flat battery - fortunately, I have a jump starter. So attached the positive lead to the positive terminal and negative to what I “thought” was earth. Nothing, nada, zilch. Did the same process last year and it work fine. I am wondering if the other end of the earth is at fault but no idea where it is? Any ideas? PS - I have more knowledge of Harry Potter spells than electricity so be gentle :wink:


This is likely your problem. It runs a bit further back under the parcel shelf and then drops through the floor where it is bolted to the back of the Power Plant frame via an eye at the end of the cable. Got a car here where this has snapped off. My car still runs though so earth must be getting there somehow.

Thanks for the very speedy response! I did actually hear a “doink” on Monday night which I thought was the rear tyre kicking up a stone so maybe it was the bolt? So can I trace it from the boot or is it an underneath the car job?

It is an under the car job I’m afraid, although very easy to get to.
I would think that the eye has broken away or at least that is what has happened here,
You will need to unbolt what is left, connect s new eye or similar to the earth wire and refit.

Thanks, I will have a look now while there is a glimmer of light left!

Guess that this is the culprit - is it supposed to be bolted to that squarish hole with a ring connector and do I need to worry about amp ratings at all?

No, not sure what it is doing on that side of the PPF; should be on the other side. Take a look and you will see the bolt, probably around 10mm and what is left of the eye piece.
PPF is the long aluminium section that joins the differential to the gearbox.

Thanks again!

The NB earth is probably much like the NA. The cable is buried in a loom. I just zip tied a new cable to the loom.

Many thanks - Have worked out where everything needs to go but was wondering if a new wire would be easier and was trying to work out how long it would need to be as Halfords only seem to do a max length of 30" ready-made. Will try and find something tomorrow.

There should be three earth’s for the NA/NB, one to body (as in your picture in the boot) one from the engine to the engine bay LHS (passenger) back of engine bay, and one to the PPF: Mk1 Corroded PPF Earth Strap

Are you sure it’s the earth? does the starter solenoid click in?

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6 ft did it for me

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10mm terminals?

Yep - found the broken cable which also explains the noise I heard under the car Monday night!

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6mm (M6) terminals

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