Dashboard Protection Against Mischeivious Little Feet!

You lot have excelld yourselves - I’ve just read through all the options with my wife - think I’ll let her select the first method to use, that way I wont get the blame! :stuck_out_tongue:

Gave us a good laugh, cheers! As for the Amazon box protector, properly impressed at the effort put in!


You could tell I’d got nothing better to do then? :crazy_face:

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Like us all! :laughing:
Think we all need to get out more.
If we can’t have a bit of a laugh (without causing offence of course) on here we might as well give up.
What a very frustrating year for us all.
All the best. :+1:

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He will have a great game kicking that off!

Suggesting Bribery - give him praise and a treat if he doesn’t make a mark…

Not a good idea, he’ll want a treat every time he gets in the car and if he doesn’t get one, feet on the dashboard again.

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Here’s a solution to your potentially scratched interior , and your street cred will be huge.
furry dashboard


Has to be shoes off, i have the same problem in our other car with my daughter… Bribes dont work but shoes off does feel good :grinning:

Love the orange! :stuck_out_tongue:

The treat comes AFTER he has’been a good boy.’ Not before. Where is the incentive to do a good job if the bonus is paid before you start?

Lots of tears and tantrums the first time he fails to earn the reward. Good as gold there after.

Be strong.


Can’t argue with that! :+1: My concern was that someone would give the reward/bribe BEFORE. :-1: