Dog Sh*t in Bags

It is a horrible thing to see, I am a dog owner and ALWAYS pick up and put in the appropriate bins. Not sure what the link is between this and MX5’s though???

It’s in the “General Discussion Forum” in the section “Life, The Universe and (almost) Everything”.

I do this.

Sort of. The bag is never where I leave it for more than 40-50 minutes. There are a couple of routes near my house where I go out and come back along the same path and there are no bins along said route. So at a couple of known spots I will leave my hounds sack of crap ready for me to collect on my way back.

I get the problem though, happens round here too where you see the bags just chucked. Do they think a magic litter fairly clears all the paths?

Ah ok!

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Caught something on the news the other day about fly-tipping and littering in general and discarded PPE is now a growing problem - gloves, wipes, masks etc - which seems to be a bit counter productive if you’re using PPE to stop spreading Covid-19 and then dumping the discarded items which could then help spread Covid-19 :man_facepalming:

I’ve noticed discarded protective gloves several times now on the streets around here in the recent months. Does really make you wonder who would leave them laying about.

Wet wipes, an increasing amount seen on our way to our canal side walk. Sadly we also see fly tipping increasing, I get back having taken a picture on my phone and report to the council on a regular basis, who are actually pretty good at responding to the problem.

Whether its Poo in the trees, fly tipping, discarding rubber gloves and wet wipes , or leaving any kind of waste in a public place ,there’s no excuse, if there’s not a bin nearby, take it home, simple, but a lot of people simply don’t care, or they don’t know right from wrong because they are naturally ignorant.
I have driven down some stretches of road and the grass verge is covered in litter and discarded junk, for miles and miles, it looks a right mess.
I spent many years working in South Essex and used to stop in a convenient layby for a pre work cuppa, a grubby place at the best of times, one morning I pulled in and there was a complete bathroom dumped there, bath , dirty Khazi, sink , and bags of smashed tiles :rage:

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What colour was the bathroom suite?
I’m looking to upgrade my brown to avacado…
Could always do a ‘crazy paving’ effect with the smashed tiles…

:smile: :smile:
This was some time ago, but if Brown was your colour , if you get my drift :grimacing: and the tiles had be Club hammered, but might have been good for a modern mozaic :blush: ,it was all gone a a few days later, the Council usually clear it away, it was a pile of old tires before that, plus there was a complete old smashed up caravan with no wheels at one point.
I’ve since moved on to a local job in rural North Essex so don’t travel down there any more .

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Hmm… so I’ve missed the tyres… and that caravan could have been a great project to keep the missus in to watch back to back Emerdale box sets…ah well, I’ll just keep looking…:nerd_face:
In my previous home, there was a lady who insisted on letting her dog do it’s business in the front border of my garden
We had two young boys and I challenged the lady as to whether encouraging her dog to use my garden where my kids play, as a toilet…
She just glared at me and muttered that her dog had to sht somewhere!
This was well before‘bagging’ became popular, never mind law.
I had my own way of putting a halt to this…
I followed her to find where she lived, shovelled up as much dogsh
t as I could,(a lot) and in-shovelled it into her front open porch!
Never had a problem since…:flushed:

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That sounds like you were parking just along the road from where I live!!! Regular fly-tipping place!!!

It was on the A130 heading south just before the Canvey Island magic roundabout exit with the A13, I was working on a site at South Benfleet , just off the London road, near the Bread and Cheese pub :blush:

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Not long returned from a walk down the canal. Some big poop bags here (household waste) about 10 and a large screen TV along the same lane.

I know that area but mine is the minor road that runs parallel with, and south of the A127 between the A128 at West Horndon and Upminster. There was another skip-full in the road this morning, they didn’t bother to pull in to the lay-by, probably dumped by the same bunch as the previous load I mentioned.

Can we have an Unlike button on here please?!

I refrained from mentioning the other observation down that lane. Suspicious looking characters parked up, three cars one van. As soon as we got near the three cars scarpered, not dog walkers but I can probably rename it lovers lane.

Dogging without a dog☺…this thread is going off topic lol

Seeing this kind of fly tipping and general littering is depressing, there’s and epidemic of it, excusing the phrase, and the fact that a lot of the local amenity tips are closed has just made a bad situation worse, I’ve just come back from a trip to check out a garden Centre in East Bergholt ,Suffolk and along one of the B roads on the way home there was a pile of carpets chucked in the entrance to a field ! :rage:

That’s what our neighbours call it when genuinely taking their dogs for a walk.

I didn’t want to mention that term. :grin: in my post above.
Should hate to think what it’s like in the darker hours down there.