Gear knob recommendations

Evening all,

The original gear knob on my NC2 is on the tatty side so I’ve been looking for a suitable replacement.

I wanted to replace it like for like but you are looking at £166 from mx5 parts for one… and I really do not want to spend that much…

I’ve seen some at Jass Performance but they don’t have the gear markings/gate on them and I’d prefer it if they did….

Does anyone have any recommendations for a good quality gear knob that doesn’t cost the earth…???

I’m happy with this on my ND1 (says it fits Mk3 as well):

I needed to pack it a tiny bit to make sure the gate was lined up when tightened, but that wasn’t a big deal.

Oh, it will get quite cold so might not be ideal if you have to leave your 5 outside over winter.

I have one of these and enjoy every gear change


I’m in a similar position, NC2 gear knob looking worn, want to replace it. There are a lot of chrome looking ones, but I don’t want chrome because my car is all black and red. Best I’ve been able to find is the illuminated gear knob on mx5 parts, I plan on buying it when I get paid next week.

If you’re OK with the gear knob being chrome, there are a few options for around £50 that look and feel comfortable on mx5parts

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Jass Performance offer a black version in 3 different designs

Thanks all, I’ve come across most of those that have been mentioned and really like the type R one from Jass, it just doesn’t have the gears/gate on it…

Might try the one from mx5 parts with the satin finish…

@dirtybeer dont suppose you have a pic of the one you went for actually in the car…?

I really like the ones from Jass, but wish they did a leather-covered one, or they’re freezing in the winter and too hot in the summer.

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ICT from Germany. You can buy through eBay. Several different styles, illuminated and come with leather gaiter and choice of colours of stitching and illumination too. IIRC, about £85 and worth every penny.

Thanks :+1:

Jasseperformace, love the clean look without the numbers on them

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iL motorsport satin 6 speed. Is perfect imho. Lowers the action slightly, is heavier and feels amazing in the hand.

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Oh nice, I think that’s the one I’ll end up trying.

Did you have any issues lining up the legend on top as it seems a lot of people do…?

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I used a tiny 1mm crush washer on the top of the shaft to perfect alignment. It’ll vary from car to car.

This is the one I bought from Jass Performance and just fitted today

It’s lovely, nice and low and feels great.

Hi Callahan
I bought one of these too
However, I ended up changing it after 6 months of use (guesstimate), I only really drive the 5 every other weekend but as the days came on especially through the winter, I started to see corrosion pitting
I used auto sol metal polish that made it look new again but slightly too shiny! also I didn’t follow the machining lines from factory to it looked a bit handmade after that. earlier this year it went pitted again so I have now replaced it for the pocket wrenching Mazda one in all black £160 is crazy but to be honest, it felt nice going back to the stock feel. Let me know how yours goes as I might have just needed to clean it more frequently.

I’ve got that, and love it, had it18 months. Never cleaned it once, it’s got a nice slightly burnished look from use.

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Thanks, I’ll keep an eye on it and update the thread if it has any issues, but I’m loving it so far.
One note - I’m going to keep a left glove in the car for chilly mornings, which is handy (sorry) as I lost the other one…

At least you have a glove compartment…

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£10.00 but around 30+ hours work :wink: