Goodwood Spring Rally

Have been a member for a few weeks and decided to go to this event. Apart from very many MX5,s of all types and years, there was very little else there, probably two parts stalls, one magazine stall, the MX5 owners club stall, a car cover stall, two/three performance mods stalls, a car cleaning/polishing stall, one expensive and one cheap food van. Oh, a helicopter flight stall and thats about it.

If you wanted to drive around the track then you could in a very long procession.

Did not find it very inspiring on a very cold day. But thats my take on it.

Almost forgot the Goodwood shop was open.

What else did you expect?

where there any photos of the event?

Yes, I anticipated the post would prompt some replies and I apologise to all those involved in the running of it as I am sure they have put loads of effort to get it together.

But I have belonged to several other clubs in the past where I remember quite a variety of things to interest the pundits.

Didn’t mean to offend.

Yes, Dennispearce, what did you expect? 

I thought it was a excellent day, despite the cold weather. Congratulations, and many thanks, to the organisers

You seem to have missed some of the show as there was 5 food outlets.

Well I enjoyed it.


The weather was the only negative but it didn’t rain.


I’m glad to have made the effort to drive down and meet lots of very delightful people.


Great day out.

I agree with Dennis, been to other MX5OC rallies and there was a lot more going on, it’s not that I didn’t enjoy myself just hoped for a little more.

I know the weather couldn’t be helped but it was very difficult to find somewhere to sit and have a cup of tea out of the cold.

We are also newbies to the club and it is the first event we have attended, although have been to other car/track events over the years.

We travelled from Cornwall and I (he) decided to make a weekend of it, as I was a bit concerned that a one marque rally might be a bit limited, so we spent the weekend heading up. That said, we had a really enjoyable time at the rally, from meeting up at Sainsburys for the drive in, to actually driving the Goodwood Circuit. Having been an NA owner many moons ago I was aware of the individuality that these cars can inspire, but to see so many examples across just four models was extremely impressive. Imagine telling a non-believer that you had just spent half a day looking at MX5’s! That so many cars were there, is not only a testament to the owners but also the organisers. The parade laps were excellent, as always there is the yearn to exercise the right foot, but everyone knows what a parade lap will be.

So some general feedback:


  1. Cost - The price of a club membership! So if you’ve recouped that elsewhere, it was free!
  2. I have no benchmark for this club, but I’m suggesting a well attended event
  3. So many individual examples across 4 models
  4. A n opportunity to drive around the Goodwood Circuit
  5. A major supplier of MX5 parts in attendance
  6. It didn’t rain!

Developmental (See what I did there…)

  1. Being guided out f the circuit after the parade lap. We had a shopping list to go back into the MX5 parts tent with. I don’t recall seeing that anywhere but may have missed it.
  2. The Spitfire hanger and flights not open/going ahead. Undoubtedly beyond the organisers control.
  3. It was blimmin cold!

Finally, to sum up what was a very enjoyable time for us at the rally, just a big thank you to not only the organisers, but also the stewards who did a cracking job keeping us organised, proper job!

It always fills my heart with joy with the effort of turning up that no one ever notices I was there. 

Well, it’s inevitable that not everyone will enjoy the event regardless of weather, activities and the number of people who turn up on the day. I understand a number of traders pulled out at the last minute for reasons that Iain F may be able to elaborate on, so in that regard it was a little disappointing. The issue of traders is often contentious but, as has been pointed out to myself and others in the past, many traders now work mostly online and the cost and time involved to travel, in some cases, large distances to events with no guarantee of numbers of visitors, puts some off. Must admit I got my head royally chewed off by many when I commented on the lack of traders after my first Spring Rally!

The weather yesterday didn’t help although I’ve been to colder and wetter rallies (MX5 and others) so this one wasn’t so bad, but I appreciate it will have an impact on how people perceive the event. That is the big problem with the spring rally ie the unpredictability of the British weather, which we can hardly blame the club for.  You can generally be a little more confident about the weather for the National Rally though. 

Yes, it was unfortunate about the Spitfire hangar and flights. If nothing else, it would have been a sight to see them in the hangar and even better watching them take off and land, but as some else said, this was beyond the control of the club so again, we can’t criticise them for it.

I’m not sure what the OP was expecting for the track parade. There’s no way the Goodwood marshals were going to let 500+ cars loose to blast around at high speed. This was not a track day. It was just a bit of fun and for many, just being able to say they’ve driven around one of, if not the most historic racing circuits in Britain was pleasure enough. I suppose with hindsight if everyone hadn’t been parked on the track then it could potentially have been done in several sessions but the logistics would have been a nightmare, giving everyone time slots and then herding them to and from the track. No doubt there would then have been complaints that this took up most fo the day and there wasn’t time to see or do anything else. Like I said though, this was not a track day. I thoroughly enjoyed the track parade despite the slow speed. I saw plenty of people having lots of very short(!) races and generally having a laugh which was what it was all about.

So the moral of the story is simple - you can’t please everyone so you just have to do the best you can and hope the majority find something interesting. For what it’s worth, I enjoyed it despite the cold and lack of traders. I was fortunate to be marshalling which kept me busy for 2-3 hours and it was great watching everyone come in and the track fill up with cars. A big thanks to Iain F and OC team as well as Mal, Terry and the Solent Area guys for organising the event.

To the OP, don’t be put off by this event. Make sure to go to the National Rally in September when I’m sure you will find the weather and the event/activities generally will be even better.  

Always a pleasure to see you at a rally Nick…


Hi Dennis,

I understand your frustration it being your 1st OC Rally, expections must have been high…Being a member of the Host Region ‘Solent’ our AC’s Mal Roland and Terry Botto together with many members of the Solent spent many hours in the cold on Saturday evening helping Iain Fleming and other regional member set up, I understand from Iain that quite a few traders did not turn up and those Traders that made the stirling effort to attend i truly hope had good business from us all, like wise with the competion cars, being one of the judges made it very disapointing to see so few entries. Of course the very cold weather did not help, had it been sunny members could have sat out. 

On a brighter note there were well over 929 cars that attended, Dennis please try to get involved with your own region your our all AC’s need NEW members to come up with arranging events, it may be a little frustrating but the rewards are great when so many of your region members would thank you for all the effort you may well have put in.

Look forward to the National in september that will be a stunner, and if like last year there were over 2200 cars…


john wheeler

member Solent Region



Having been to all but one of the Spring Rallies since Belfast in 2010 i must admit we thought this was on a par with most but not as good as some. Being at Goodwood and being able to drive the circuit was indeed memorable albeit we noticed a dearth of traders and many people we spoke to were bailing out early not least due to the weather but the organisers clearly cannot be blamed for that.

Two criticisms however which I believe are justified…

We like to make a long weekend of this and indeed as I write this we are still sitting in a hotel about 6 miles from the circuit. Despite the lousy weather and and all the rain today where were the “Drives” that accompany all these rallies. Comments were made that these were going to be downloaded in advance of the rally but even now after the rally we can’t find anything…and again we weren’t the only people to comment on this. We made our own drive today but it would have been nice to have had some guidance from the “locals”. …

As we sat in our car parked in the chicane at about 1350 we noticed an increasing number of cars starting to approach the pits trying, it seems, to get a head start for the parade lap.  What was the rush? Why couldn’t you stay where you were until the stewards summoned you? 40 minutes early for heavens sake! I overheard the track stewards discussing this and they were less than happy that people were moving early. There was absolutely no reason for this whatsoever. What were you trying to achieve? You didn’t get to go any faster… left us thinking that maybe the membership is changing and not necessarily for the better.

Having been to all but one of the Spring Rallies since Belfast in 2010 i must admit we thought this was on a par with most but not as good as some. Being at Goodwood and being able to drive the circuit was indeed memorable albeit we noticed a dearth of traders and many people we spoke to were bailing out early not least due to the weather but the organisers clearly cannot be blamed for that.

Two criticisms however which I believe are justified…

We like to make a long weekend of this and indeed as I write this we are still sitting in a hotel about 6 miles from the circuit. Despite the lousy weather and and all the rain today where were the “Drives” that accompany all these rallies. Comments were made that these were going to be downloaded in advance of the rally but even now after the rally we can’t find anything…and again we weren’t the only people to comment on this. We made our own drive today but it would have been nice to have had some guidance from the “locals”. …

As we sat in our car parked in the chicane at about 1350 we noticed an increasing number of cars starting to approach the pits trying, it seems, to get a head start for the parade lap.  What was the rush? Why couldn’t you stay where you were until the stewards summoned you? 40 minutes early for heavens sake! I overheard the track stewards discussing this and they were less than happy that people were moving early. There was absolutely no reason for this whatsoever. What were you trying to achieve? You didn’t get to go any faster… left us thinking that maybe the membership is changing and not necessarily for the better.

In these peoples defence the marshalls told us they were bringing the track laps forward and to be ready to move off at 13:50

We were right at the end,


In these peoples defence the marshalls told us they were bringing the track laps forward and to be ready to move off at 13:50

We were right at the end,


Why have a spring and national rally?why not have just a national rally on Saturday and Sunday,have some more things going on,because looking at mx5s can get very boring.


well the marshalls near the front knew nothing about that, that’s for sure,  they were completely bemused about why people were moving so early