I’m sure there are loads of us with dogs that require regular grooming or trimming. Just a couple of my dog Barney, a sort of before and after. Lockdown proved difficult to get this done obviously and we did toy with the idea of buying some clippers and having a go ourselves. Anyway, heres Barney.
He was starting to look more like a sheep than a Cavachon!

A good looking chap! 
We have to wait until the end of June ready for a number 2 style. 
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I ordered a gents grooming kit…No 2 to No 11 in severity so SWMBO could keep the mop in check.
Then I remembered the Spec Savers advert with the old farmer & his dog.
It’s still in it’s box.
Go for it, and then change your profile pic . . . . . 
I use a #6 BUT be very careful as some clippers numbering does not match hairdresser numbering for some reason. A Philips trimmer is #15 to get a hairdressers #6. Why Philips?
Phirips always do things according to their own logic, right or wrong, regardless of what the rest of the world does. Witness the charging on their shavers, solid while charging, blinking when full. Everything else from all other manufacturers show blinking while doing and solid when done. For various other historical reasons I’ll never buy anything again from Phirips.
BUT, the hair trimmers are another matter. I can’t say about the Phirips ones, but a freebie Amazon recently gave me shows the comb spacing from 3 to 21 in millimetres, and a no3 is about 5 to 6mm.
So I’ve been able to do 21mm on top, blend in to 6mm on sides and taper up from 1mm around the edges.
It feels so good to lose four months growth! And it almost looks OK too, certainly better than it used to during the twenty-odd totally skint years when I cut my own hair with only scissors.
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Is this a car forum or wot?
Just done a bit of research. Looking for a thread about a major restoration thread on a very tired NA. Poster looked to have done a great job with fantastic results. 22 days later it had one like.
Stick a cute doggy up and 16 hours later six likes. One of those is me, Barney just looks adorable.

“… For various other historical reasons I’ll never buy anything again from Phirips…”
Would you be someone who’se still miffed over V2000, and the lack of titles ?
No, I was never much interested in domestic VCRs. I bought a Panasonic to keep the family happy.
It was as a designer and manufacturer; dealing with them because of our (stupid) organisational policy was a string of various niggles, spec changes, broken promises, general aggro. But the final straw was after being told a superb new component (PNA7518 video DAC) was strongly recommended for new designs and good for ten years production. And then six months later after lining up the licensees to make and sell three of my much-needed products using it, all the work was wasted because they suddenly decided to pull the plug on the chip, close the factory and not license it to any competitors. Never again. Bad words said by many people.
It was another six years before similar value for money and nice to use high speed ADCs and DACs appeared on the market. I was forced to use awkward to implement, unreliable, hot, expensive devices in the meantime. Then displays became digital so no DAC needed, and the problem went away.
Here is a photo of a board from one of those designs of 29 years ago, a specialist application for broadcasters; we only made five, the first one of which I kept, and it still works. Ten years later I could have done it in a quarter of that board space, and on only one board, and for a tenth of the cost, but by then we had moved on to digital TV. The red box shows where that chip is.
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Scottishfiver - some examples for you to practice with . . .
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What an absolute pain for you.
I did Electrical Engineering at university, long ago. Or at least I did 2 years, The maths, physics parts of it all no problem. However, circuits , circuit diagrams I was, not useless at, but just hated dealing with them. All I remember now is PNP, NPN, OC71, superheterodyne…, and a few other words.
Eventually found my way into scientific programming with a computer manufacturer.
Yes, I had a Philipps Video 2000 recorder. As I recall, they were technically superior to Betamax, and VHS recorders. But VHS won the marketing battle.
BTW. I see that N Ireland will let barbers re-open on 6th July.
Some weeks back, I emailed my barber ( England ) to let me know when they would re-open.
They emailed me a few days ago to say the 4th July, bar further untoward events.
Our son has a habit of springing wee surprises.
Little did we know today he was the go-to crimper in the barracks for years.
Set about my haystack with my new kit.
What an expert job.
Easily as good as the barber.
Great Father’s Day gift.
The man is priceless sometimes.
Could have filled a pillow case with what landed on the kitchen floor.
If they ever do a remake of Star Wars I’m up for the role of Chewbacca.
I’ve cut my own for years.
Maybe that’s why I never married! 
You scruffy ND1 types
need to get yourselves sorted!
And a damn fine job you do of it too Roger! 

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That’s his cat in the avatar you silly boy…not our Roger.
Ahh, right! Should have gone to specsavers! 
