How to clean algae off my roof?


My MX 5 has been underwraps for 6 months and today I have taken it to the garage for its MOT and service. Shame about the roof but no idea how to get the marks off - any suggestions? Thanks in advance

I use Auto Glym convertible soft top clean and protect complete kit. You may need to do a couple of cleans but it should do the trick. It will say on the box theres enough for 2 applications but you should get 4 or 5 due to our smaller roofs.

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If you go to here Roof Cleaning and Proofing you will find everything you need to know directly from the ‘horses mouth’.

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I tried that but no luck unfortunately…I’ll have a quick look on the roofing section. Thank you for your advice though

Thank you

I had similar and used Milton sterilising fluid in a sprayer , let it soak in for 15 minutes then scrubbed with a stiff nail brush, reapply as necessary until algae removed, followed by baby shampoo again scrubbed. After it dried out overnight in garage I applied 2 good coats of fabsil.


you definitely need a wet vac to do proper job !!


Follow the link provided by Mad Malc and stick exactly to this procedure. This should work and as Bally3 says use a wet vac if you have one. Seen some amazing results on here using this method. Good luck.

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Excellent. Looking forward to the results. Sally

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Take your time and expect to do it twice or more, depending how bad it is. A wet vac is needed or you wont get all the dirt and ‘fungal spores’ out. Good luck. Its quite satisfying work. Just one more. Dont scrub hard. Be gentle or you will damage the roof. Chris

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Thanks Chris. Great advice

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Milton worked a treat for me


this is my old mk3 when i bought it ,

this is after advise from chris and 3 or 4 goes with wet vac ,


Had a similar issue when I bought a neglected car. The autglym stuff was good at getting the black back but took multiple cleans to get the thicker green/mould out. I used a bit of cilit bang black mould remover in the end?

Hoping to follow instructions Fri as it’s meant to be nice out. Call from garage. MOT, service, calipers, brakes etc £710…ouch but worth it

Before and after pictures after some intense work following the “Roof Cleaning and Proofing” instructions on my Mk2, well worth it, I think.


Really impressive work there! Well done

You really need to get all the accumulated rubbish out from the weave in the hood material.
I know it’s frowned upon but when I worked for one of the best known hood material suppliers in the world they were looking at a method of re-proofing the material. The first step was to use a pressure washer on low setting and from about .75 m away clean all the hood with plain water, followed by a flush with a detergent cleaner, a wet vac and leave for 24 hours to dry. Then a layer of sealant which needed to be cured in a spray oven on a low heat. Due the complexity and time required the whole thing was dropped but for the test samples it really worked and they were pretty bad at the start and like new afterwards. The worst colour was the light beige which quickly looked awful if left to the elements for a month or so.