my garage -

a bit more done today , tidying the dark corner where my cleaning gears stored, painted the walls too…

removed 2 shelves ,
more shelves = more junk :rage:

still more to do :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :+1: :+1:

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Nice bit of OCD on show here😉


floor ???
pics over next couple of days (hopefully ) :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:
mrs B’s 50th birthday on sunday , so depends on what we are up to :astonished: :astonished: ( not be going far !!! :worried: :worried: )

Do any of you watch the Obsessed Garage YouTube channel?

Neat looking garage - does it feel any brighter inside now?

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More stock than Halfords! :joy:
Very nice looking though, nice job. :+1:

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Hi , thanks guys , yes i have watched the odd youtube vid , but i’m doing this on a budget they must spend 10’s of ££££000’s. :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:
the garage now feel must larger and brighter :smiley: :innocent:
and will feel different again when floor is sorted :nerd_face: :nerd_face:

Love a good garage, I see mine as another room of the house.


if only i had your budget gareth :moneybag: :moneybag:
you have a great car AND a great garage :smiley: :smiley:
i looked at the tiled flooring but went for paint… :pensive:

first coat on this morning :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


What product did you use for the floor Bally? Two pack? Got to do mine and the floor paint seems expensive

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dave , its just floor paint
my pal had some he had spare , so i "borrowed " some :+1: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Mine needs doing again. The last time I painted it the tyres stuck to the floor bringing the paint off. I did wait a fair few days for it to cure/dry.
I borrowed some conveyer belt rubber from a skip at work :shushing_face: perfect to cut two strips out for the car to run on,:+1:


What flooring is that GarathC? The Machine Mart stuff? Nice room.

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Yes, I’ve always thought garage floor paint to be expensive.

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Its mototile ( interlocking tiles (the seamless look better but are no good for turning tyres on, heavy shelfing, jacking etc etc). I’ve done paint before (in the previous property) but I got tired of having to re-paint it every 2-3 years, when we moved we had plenty of budget and I spent about £2000 having the garage plastered and the flooring etc to make it like a proper room. I know to many its a good chunk of money, but we plan on being here many years and it’ll be worth it in the long run.


Great looking garage, where did you buy the car cover from?

From the US, for some odd reason it seems to be a US only Mazda product, I had it delivered to a friend in Utah who then sent it on to me.

Thanks, can you send me the link if you have it, cheers

Its part number 0000-8J-D05 you need, I ordered mine from, if you are going to the trouble of ordering from the US, you may also want to order the genuine cargo net too which is also a US only part ( 0000-8K-D33 ).