NA,NB,NC or ND - What is your favourite colour MX-5?

I used to live in Milton Keynes! But I had a midnight blue MX5 then

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I had the same thought process as you.

I still think the MX-5 looks great in Soul Red but most other (non MX-5) Mazdas are also Soul Red, so I went for Deep Crystal Blue for my ND2, which arrives on 1st April.

True story.
Was dealing with an insurance quote with a very helpful lass in Milton Keynes years back.
Got to chatting about this and that, and she absolutely assured me, and I believed her, she’d never left ML so far then in her entire life. I’d put her early 20’s.
Never seen a real cow , sheep, mountain, river, valley, or sea shore.
Yet, she was quite content…
Hard to process at the time.

Am sure she would have driven past these a few times :rofl:



What the Hell? :rofl:


Obviously whoever made those had never seen a real cow, sheep, etc. either!!! :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :-1:


It would have to be Radiant Ebony Mica on the NC. When clean and polished it is stunning with those Smokey wheels.

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The first MK cows (ie when MK was still farmers fields) were concrete and almost double size.

They looked totally weird, even at a glance. We wondered how many traffic accidents they might have caused -
“Look at that!.”
“That cow!”
“That’s not a cow…”


You mean like this??


That! Very nice example.

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Thank you :grin:

That was after an afternoon spent shampoooing, clay-barring, waxing & polishing :see_no_evil:


Before the No 44 to Langside splashed by. :disappointed_relieved:

3A was the guilty culprit :rofl:

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Them bloody 3As eh? Probably mostly empty.

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S*dding buses !

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I do like the shine of my Crystal White Pearl but the colour I really like the look of is the Sole Red. Its beautiful, but heard it is prone to stone chips. Unfortunately, my cars front end looks a little chipped.


You would like to think so, however…:roll_eyes:

Think I’m convinced. It’s worth spending the time seeking one out. I will start the search again. 2.0 venture it is.

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Haha, I’ve got no regrets pal :grin: Honestly, I just happened across her while I was looking for a Five and fell in love :heart_eyes:

1.8L, 41,000miles, mint condition- she was £7265 OTR

Merlot ! Had 2 this colour, beautiful!