New owner, new member, 2010 MX5 questions

Hello everyone,


I have recently sold my old Civic Type S, and replaced it with a 2010 20th Anniversary 1.8 MX5 which I absolutely adore.


Had it serviced the week I got it, and also got them to check it over.  The only thing I needed to do was replace the rear ARB links as the nearside was knocking.


I do however have a question, I am keen to look after this car and keep it going as long as possible.  I read that they are critical with the oil level, but my god!  After 13 years of driving and riding bikes I’ve never been able to not read an oil level.  It seems impossible on the MX5.  My dipstick has a bulbous section on the end and even after leaving it stood overnight it’s impossible to read.  Apparently Mazda do a replacement dipstick that is a flat blade?  But surely being 2010 mine should have had that already?  If not, where can I get this?


Secondly, this is the only sports car I have owned, with a stiff chassis, and a soft roof, that is lightweight.  Is a tap at idle normal?  I think I am just used to the big heavy, sound proofed civic I have just spent 6 years driving?


Thanks, and hello from Norwich!

Hello and welcome to the club and forum


Thanks, that looks like the one on the my MX5 currently, the end still looks bulbous?  What does the “old” one look like?



There are two reviews on the link, the second review is the one that explains it best.

This is the hard to read dipstick, I’m ok with it though.



Hello and welcome.

I also had problems reading the oil level on the dipstick, however, if you mark the back of the dipstick with the high and low marks, you’ll find it a lot easier to see the oil level using the back.

The oil problems you refer to, were relevant to the Mk3, Mazda did some engine modifications to the Mk3.5 and overcame the problems, so whilst you should always maintain oil levels, dropping below the full mark won’t be a problem. (But not below the low mark).

I’m not sure what your tickover problem is, can you clarify?

Enjoy your 5.


Not so much a tickover problem, just likely that the engine is noisier at tickover than I am used to with my previous car.  I had the same thing when I bought that, I’m one of those that gets paranoid with every noise until I learn the character of the car.  I am also keen to keep my cars in pristine conditions and do everything I can to minimise the risk of “common issues”.


I wasn’t aware of any engine changes to overcome the oil issue on the MK3.

Also, my V5c has the Type down as NC1, but then has a Variant listed as 188, and Version as 2.  Surely the type should be listed as NC2?  Or is that denoted by the Version?

^^^ That is the dipstick in my car, is this the “new style”?



I suppose I should also put some photos of the car on!

You have the NC2 but an NC1 dipstick. They could of course carried on putting the old style dipstick in the 1.8 engine, I don’t know on that one.

That’s interesting.  Are there any visual identifiers that show the difference between the engine in the NC1, and the NC2?


As my V5c says NC1, under the type, but this may be the same for all the NC MX5s?


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[^^^ That is the dipstick in my car, is this the “new style”?]

This is the old style dipstick. However like MickAP I don’t have a problem seeing the oil level.

The best technique that I have found is to dry the dipstick with a paper towel then push fully home and slowly withdraw. Then just look for where the oil sits across the hollow of the dipstick.

If your photo is showing the oil level then it is right down at the MIN mark and needs topping up.

As others have found to their cost you definitely need to keep the oil level at the MAX mark to avoid future engine problems.

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The last few photos do show the oil level.  However, the car only came back from a service on Friday, where it had all fluids changed.  This was done by a reputable garage that I have seen recommended on the forum a few times (Darren at The Little Car Clinic), so I’d be surprised if they have underfilled it.


I can see oil in the writing on the flat side of the dipstick too, but you can also manage to smear it on just trying to get it down the tube.


I have ordered a replacement from MX5Parts, hopefully the lead time is less than the quoted 4 weeks though.  It’s interesting though that it has an older dipstick in an NC2?


Hi Lihop, your photo (nice colour!) shows that your car’s an NC2.  I’ve just checked my V5 & my car - a 2012 NC2 - also has the type shown as “NC1” on there.  Mine does have the flat dipstick though.

These are great cars - enjoy!




Ok it should have the required oil if it’s only just been serviced but to be sure…

Leave the clean dipstick out overnight and recheck the level in the morning, that should give a true reading. The stick does click down around 5mm into the tube.

Obviously doing the above remember to check this and not just drive off

I was told they don’t use much if any oil between changes, mine certainly doesn’t although I check the oil every week. It’s a habit you should get into and all should be good with the engine.



Do not just assume that the garage has correctly filled the dipstick to the MAX mark, as I said to me it looks to be on the MIN mark.

I have had to take my new Skoda back to the main dealer after they had only filled the oil up to the MIN mark. Their excuse was as long as it was somewhere between the MIN and MAX it was ok. They said that the owner should check it regularly and top it up when it actually went below the MIN mark.

I would add about a quarter of a litre and see if the level comes up to about a third of the way between MIN and MAX. If it does continue adding about a quarter of a litre until you get to the MAX mark. As I say after drying the dipstick and pushing firmly in then carefully remove and look at the hollow side and you can see the oil level sitting in the hollow.

Thanks for the reply.


It kind of reinforces the issue with this dipstick.  I sent the same images to a friend who had an MX5 several years ago, and he said it looks to be above the MAX.

While the photos were taken a minute or so after removing the stick as the stupid iPhone refuses to focus quickly on something small.  When I did the oil again this morning in the low morning Sun, I did see a film almost to the dot on the flat side of the stick.


I want to do everything I can to keep this car running properly, and while I am being as attentive as I can, I have to remember that I am 3rd owner of a 40k mile car, and although there’s service history the oil checks etc are an unknown.  So I’m trying to not be too paranoid about it all.  But hey, I’m that kind of worrier :slight_smile:


I have ordered a new one from MX5 Parts, and I am going to drop in my local (although I despise them) Mazda dealer on the way home, and see if they can get one any sooner than 4 weeks.  In the meantime, I may post in the Eastern section if there’s anybody with a newer NC dipstick local, that will let me pop over and dip my oil :smiley:


Other than the silly dipstick, the MX5 is everything I always thought the car would be, and really has re-ignited my passion for cars and driving.


I ordered the new style stick from MX parts who said they would arrive in November. I’ve got a track day at Goodwood in October and clearly want it right for then. Anyway, with my fading years and eyesight I may have overfilled it.
Has anyone any idea who has a stock of the new ones?
I called Mazda Eastbourne and the parts chap didn’t know what I was talking about.