No garage, no driveway - any novel solutions?

Hello everyone,

Happy Friday!

My rocketeer - which still isn’t finished but we don’t want to talk about that - is currently stored at my parents-in-law. Unfortunately, they require the space as they are moving house.

I’ve still got work to do on the car (including wrapping!), so need as much cover as possible.

I only have on street parking and a semi-designated parking space available to me at the moment. I know there is no way I can erect a garage on the road and all the temporary garages are too wide to fit in a normal parking space - have any of you got any ideas for alternatives?

Some of the things I have already considered:

  • Carcoon (I have no outdoor power and I don’t like the idea of running a cable 150 years from my house - even though we live in a fairly quiet cul-de-sac it would have to go across the road)
  • Car Cover (most studies show these to be at best, useless)
  • Gazebo (need to do more research on widths etc)
  • Renting a garage (I am on various waiting lists)

Ideally, I need a temporary garage which fits in a normal parking space - maybe I should go in to business as I can’t find one anywhere!

My parking space is very long but unfortunately under a tree frequented by birds who apparently have a form of Dysentery, so hoping to come up with something workable!

Thanks a lot!


Maybe a garden sail?


Hi John, thanks for the quick reply!

That’s a great idea and not something I had considered - that could definitely work if I can think of how to hold it up successfully.

Good luck, things that come to mind are fence posts or scaffold poles. If at the side of your house two corners can be anchored on the wall.

My friend uses one to successfully keep the pigeons from covering his car.

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Gazebo, or even two seems to be easiest plan. You could fashion a temporary decent shelter out of scaffold poles and tent fabric, that way you could bespoke it.

Failing that, house move is on the cards :rofl:

Good luck.

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Yes, it has been mentioned…but I am treading carefully :smiley:

The issue is that its a space with a space also either side of it, so whatever I erect can’t pi55 my neighbours off :smiley:

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Good fences make good neighbours, that’s why I live in the middle of a field. :partying_face:

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That would be my preference!

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Are there any opportunities to store the car close to where it is currently?

What about this


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Unfortunately not. I have put myself on various waiting lists for council garages etc but haven’t heard anything - I am near Stamford in Lincolnshire and parking is both limited and expensive so the waiting list for garages is long.

Thanks Richard - yes I was just looking at these.

This looks to be the best option at the moment albeit relatively expensive.

thank you :slight_smile:

I have an Ultimate Car Cover from Very happy with it and provided you don’t put it on over dirty paintwork and clip it down tight it’s excellent. Obviously if you use the car daily it’s probably not practical, but it will keep the pigeons off. Regarding the garage thing, i have been on a waiting list for nearly a year, i was number 56 when i joined it and i am still number56…not holding my breath! :frowning_face:

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I do have one of these too actually - I was hoping for somewhere that I could work on the car undercover. I am probably asking too much with my parking arrangements as they are.

Regarding the waiting list, I suspect that’s going to be a similar issue for me!

If you’re in Stamford, there may well be a local farmer who has some covered space on his/her property somewhere?

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Are you a member of Nextdoor (, a sort of local Facebook for your neighbourhood?

If not, I suggest joining, for free, and posting on there. There’s a good chance someone will have a garage they can be persuaded to rent or some other local solution.

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Yes, that’s worth a go - good suggestion, thanks :slight_smile:

Ah yes, i’ve heard of it but never used it - I did try on the local groups on Facebook but i’ll give this a go too :slight_smile: Thank you!

All the caravans and motorhomes are being dusted down and taken back home. Must be some space available.