Photo Thread Breakout Chat

Hi again Scottish Fiver, It certainly is quite something to see. We live not too far away and I used to travel over most days for work. Thought it would make an unusual backdrop for photos now the car is completed.

Best wishes


A great photo of a good looking NB thereā€¦and the number plate caught my eye too - from a fellow Alastair!

Hi Alastair, Many thanks. I simply could not resist the plate, thereā€™s not many of us about. itā€™s a hobby (or illness of mine!) I was not sure initially if I could get close enough to the bridge but am pleased with the resultsā€¦ The actual place I wanted to be I could not get close to. I have sent some in for the next year calendar, who knows, I might get lucky but there are always some superb photos on each calendar. I am getting them printed for myself anyway.

Interesting picture, the background, and findings on this rolling road test would definitely whet the appetite of many on here, well me for a start.

The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything isā€¦ 42
42 is also:
The atomic number of molybdenum
as well as the atomic mass of one of the naturally occurring stable isotopes of calcium.
Last it is the angle rounded to whole degrees for which a rainbow appears (the critical angle).

I use this number in my weekly euromilion lottery ticket soā€¦ donā€™t get any ideasā€¦

Thatā€™s right, the answer is indeed 42 however, the problem is they never really understood the answer because they never understood the question!

RIP Douglas Adams (author of The Hitch Hickers Guide to the Galaxy)

The similarities do not end thereā€¦ most will say whatā€™s the point of this threadā€¦ I reckon thatā€™s exactly why this thread existsā€¦ because of 42

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After 5 years I pulled the trigger on a decat 4-1 and remap. As down in Plymouth I couldā€™nt go the normal places so went to a Subaru specialist near me.

Took it to 181bhp with a load more torque!!


Love torqueā€¦

[Great pics but please donā€™t leave MX5ā€™s near the sea or on grass for any longer than necessary because a combination of these started the commencement of corrosion in my girlā€¦I know every sensible MX5 owner knows thisā€¦My Ignoranceā€¦and yes I know this was a photo shoot :smiley: :+1:]

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Beautiful photo, love the colours.



make that fried onionsā€¦

This is one of my favourites, somehow captures the essence of what Mazda were trying to do right at the beginning when re-creating the classic British roadster concept. The autumn leaves, the racing green, the biscuit brown seats. Thereā€™s an argument to having the lights down but Iā€™ll take it as it is! Well done.

Super but for the binsā€¦!!

Oh thank you, hereā€™s a few more from the day in case lens flare is the reason the headlights should have been down! I donā€™t know why I chose that one to upload.

BRG doesnā€™t look as good in bright summer light, much prefer it like this.


Super smart. Can I ask how you have approached rust on the car? Do you regularly treat or has it been re-built underneath?

I was chatting to the Mazda parts guy at my local dealer and there was a J-reg Eunos in there - like yours but black not BRG and I think he said the owner had it rust-treated and no re-welding was needed.

Sorry, I missed a notification for this.

Nothing so far regarding rust treatement. It wasnā€™t driven much, or kept outside until I got it. And itā€™s still not driven in poor conditions often either. Nothing notably rusty at all except under the battery and even that is nowhere near welding necessity.

That said, many metal parts inside and out have a terrible chalky rust-like coating which is apparently just part of being outdoors at all since theyā€™re not directly exposed to water and there doesnā€™t seem to be anything I can do about it.

I did look into undercoating and got lost in a seemingly unlimited number of contrasting opinions, including not being worth doing at all. I may consider it again, especially now the values are climbing faster. Itā€™s a nice example for sure but I canā€™t really inject disproportional amounts of money into it.

Took mine at the other end a couple of weeks ago. Seems to be a popular backdrop, lots of Z3 owners go there too