Always had this irritation (the graphic designer in me) at an oblong plate in a shaped space so figured a X-type Jag shaped plate would do the trick!
Sorry…but that looks far worse. Even if you filled the complete area, I think it wouldn’t look right.
Just showed my wife the pic. Her reply….Oh, that’s awful, but if he likes it………
I can see what you are saying and I think what you have done looks good. I don’t immediately look at it and think it looks odd or out of place.
I agree with Davy on this one.
Number plates should be as discreet as possible, any attempt to make a novelty of them always detracts from the car.
It just looks really strange, the standard plate looks much better.
It’s a valid opinion, which is why I posted it, in order to guage opinions. Aesthetically I think it looks better than the previous plate, but of course that’s subjective. But contrary to AndyMk2, it’s not meant to be a ‘novelty’ but purely what I saw as more fitting.
It’s different. I strive to be different. Hence the changes from original.
Have to agree with Davy sorry. It looks wrong. Doesn’t follow the curves of the recess for the plate
Neither does the oblong original
Looks like I’ll remain unique. I can handle unique. At 70 I don’t care any more.
I agree about the original oblong plate,but if you’re going to go to the trouble of fitting a curved one,at least have it following the lines of the car. Anyway,its your car and you’re happy with it. That’s all that matters
I would have preferred that, to be sure. But a custom cut one was going to be pricy. This was the nearest ‘off the shelf’ fit.
I think it looks great
I also think it looks good!
Do what you like, There’s numerous mx5s that are stock and modded. i do what i like and if others dont like it meh oooo well. The car is amazing in the fact you can be you and your own car but on other hand people are to precious to throw in shade.
It’s the front plate the really offends me on my NC1.
It badly needs to go. Ruins the design IMO.
I previously had an imported Mk2 with square ish types plates on front and rear.
I put them back on as I returned it to it’s a original plate when selling. Kind of wished I’d just kept the square shape but I bought oblong ones.
Now I do have square ish plates on my NC, really like the look.
Did you put the rear spoiler on?
Yes it’s literally a cheap bit of rubber off eBay. I have a love/hate relationship with it, I took it off once then thought the boot lid looked plain so reapplied it. I had an urge to rip it off again last week but thought, we’ve been here before, leave it.
ive relocated mine with the JASS mod
Beats those plastic chrome number plate frames some like.
I had a plate made for the ND that filled the whole plate area - in Gloss Black with a 6 digit plate within the piece so its all flush. UK approved plate, but not cheap.