If the steering wheel is off centre isn’t that because the track rods are out?
Ok so I tried walloping the wheel from behind with a rubber mallet I found in the lowest and least regarded of the tool boxes.
Hit it hard enough that the boost gauge fell out of the dash.
Tried a wheel puller borrowed off a mate but was just kind of wrong for this set up, will have another go tomorrow with another slightly different type.
Am I definitely not missing a second bolt somewhere!?
I don’t think so, I believe I can just unbolt it and put it back on straight (I hope!)
But you have to ask yourself why did the original go on sideways? If the steering wheel is off centre it is usually because the suspension has been whacked out of alignment. With the general overall condition of the car don’t you think it’s worthwhile getting it properly aligned to see if there is an underlying problem? You could force a cosmetic fix but end up crabbing down the road.
Yeah it’s a fair point, might try and sort that before changing the wheel.
It’s just about availability of time, I don’t really have weekends and I’m already out of holiday. I am literally limited an hour in the evenings a few days per week. Not ideal conditions!
No worries hope you get it sorted. Good project !
Reminds me of my Sierra days when I went to KwikFit to get new tyres. The car came out with the wheel off centre and they refused to fix it. I went to HiQ and they said the track rods had been whacked out of alignment and they sorted it. Never went back to KwikFit after that !
I know right? I definitely paid more for the car than I should because of the colour. The only thing I love more than a red car is a red car with a matt black bonnet.
Ok so first bit of actually refurbishment done, new window seals.
Looks so much better but now the windows go up and down even slower. Need to get the runners cleaned and lubricated, hopefully that will save me having to change the motors.
On another topic feeling very nervous about changing the soft top now. Ive had a look and there is quite a bit of rust around the bodywork just inside where the soft top should attach, I’m quite worried there might be some bolts rusted in place.
This is how my new soft top arrived yesterday. My sons first question was ‘why have you bought a massive croissant?’ I didn’t have a good answer for him.
that looks like one of those pictures you see after a snake has swallowed a whole cow.
Did you get a new rain rail with the hood? worth replacing with good used or patching up the old one if it’s not too brittle whilst you are there
It does a bit!
Rain rail has come with the hood, looks in great condition except some dirt. Needs a good clean but underneath that it seems in great condition.
I seem to remember having to clean up & respray the metal brackets that bolted to the rain rail on my mk1
You know your stuff! I had another look at this last night and yes, the bracket that goes all the way round is pretty bad, I’m not sure if wire brushes and a respray will save it, will get it out and have a look, might need one from a breaker. Does anyone know if a mk2 rain rail bracket fits a mk1?
Are the brackets not aluminium? if so then it should just be oxidisation. Mind you mine was a Eunos so it could have been different. I can’t see why mk2 brackets would have been any different.
Mine is also an import, I’m sure the bracket looked rusted but once I get it out in daylight will be able to check.
Soo, this is the state my brackets were in:
Not ideal. However in a rare (for car restoration) stroke of good fortune, a friend who lives on my road has just changed the roof on his mx5 and had a spare set of brackets that would do.
So those are going on tomorrow.
@Lightweight I have the car being checked over for rust at C&C Sparkes on Saturday, I will try and sweet talk Colin there into checking my tracking at the same time.
Where did you get the new outer window seal trim bits from, mines are a bit banana shaped
Mx5 parts. Bought the IL motorsport ones, after a bit of faffing getting the old ones off the new ones went in perfectly.
Oh mines just pull right off with no troubles, I reckon the clips are most likely in pieces, braw I’ll have a look at them just now