Silverstone Classic 20-22 July 2012

Fine by me.

cool, I’ve added them here…

where they will no doubt receive plenty of compliments… 

 No problem.


 A few pictures of the track action. With this, the concerts, stands and various displays it was an excellent weekend.

It was a great day on Saturday - even the weather was kind to us. We returned to Kent all the way with the top down - and we have the sunburn to prove it…Big Smile

I realised when I got home that I only took one photo of the Mk3’s and that was early on the Saturday before most people had arrived. Must do better next time, but until then here is a shot of “my other woman”



Hear hear!! First time for us - we’ll definitely be back.

Mo (that’s me next to you - MX5 6RRR)


 My 3rd year, 3 days each time…now my annual pilgrimage! Love it!

Details already being posted for 2013 -




 Booked ticket for Sat only, third year in a row. Would love to stay all weekend but too many other commitments…  Cant wait to smell that burning rubber and oil againBig Smile

hello, this is the old thread for the 2012 event, locked it now… Wink