Slashed ND roof. Repair or replace?

I’m based in Bedford. My 2 year old ND’s roof got slashed yesterday morning. The roof is still water-tight, but the damage does look pretty visible. Obviously I’m upset and cheesed off (understatement)

Is this repairable, or is it replacement roof time? I’d like a good job done on the roof, but would rather avoid an insurance claim and denting my record unless it is a full-on replacement needed.

Any advice appreciated, or recommendations.

Thanks in advance!

Gutted for you :cry:


Awful….so sorry this has happened. Personally, I can’t see a repair being good enough and would go for a new hood. I know we all hate claiming our insurance, but that’s what it’s there for.

Hi Practica

Complete empathy …this is what happened to my NB in 2019. Gaffer Tape immediately whilst you explore your options. Gaffer Tape will keep the rain from coming in whilst you do your thinking

I eventually decided to Replace and after much finking claimed on insurance because I’d not made a claim in over 30 yrs so it only cost me my Excess [About £300] for replacement Mohair & Expert Fitter

It may be the pics but your soft top looks quite ‘dry’ in need of some protective feed?

But also based on my experience ‘clear slash’. Insurance will ask whether you regard it as ‘Malicious Damage’ or ‘Attempt Theft’

Been There, Done That so Don’t Envy Your Decision Making

Kindest & Good Luck

What a ■■■■ thing to do to someone’s car :frowning_face:

I would contact an independent specialist and ask if they can do it, it shouldn’t be difficult to find a good used hood and get it swapped over. In the meantime patch it up if rain getting in is a problem.

Thanks for the reply.

In insurance terms does it make any difference if I say ‘Malicious Damage’ or ‘Attempt Theft’?

There was nothing on display or even inside the car aside from an iPhone charging lead to steal, unless they were after the car itself.

I haven’t made a car insurance claim for 30 years (mix of being lucky and being careful) so the whole insurance claim thing is an unknown to me. Ins companies probably deal with loads of these, yet it’s new territory for me.

Work hard, and some low life feels the ‘need’ to do this to your car.
I feel your pain, hopefully karma will play it’s part to the low life.
Hope you get it sorted without to much burden financially, or otherwise :pray:

Looking closely at the photos, are you sure that this wasn’t caused by a cat?

It could be I suppose, but I’d expect more of a claw pattern, and we don’t have that many cats around here.

Yup I agree with Phillip - you can see the line of “pull” and an individual claw catching the fabric every so often. Several lines without a catch also. Guess it’s surface damage? Not gone through the actual lining?

It does seem to be surface damage. Could have been a cat I guess. Where can I find their insurance details? :wink:

In general it’s not possible to repair a fabric roof without it looking a mess. The decision is yours really, if its not leaking then maybe look around for a while and see if a used roof come up, is probably the cheapest option. A new roof wil be expensive even if you make an insurance claim because you will inevitably be penalised over the coming years in the form of increased premiums.
A good used one may be your best and, in the long run, cheapest way to go.
I share your pain and frustration.

Bad luck. If it was a cat then there should be visible cat hairs. I think I’d look around for a good used one myself. Good luck.

My initial thoughts are, ‘has it been very windy’?

If it was malicious I think they would have penetrated the roof.

It looks like something reasonably heavy has passed over the roof making a glancing contact as it did so.

If you go for a second hand cover then this Manual pages - MX5 Manual | Mazda MX5 (Mk4) 2015+ may be of help.

Disagree on a cat, looks like a deliberate “stab” and a drag caused by the roof being tougher than the penknife or similar used and the blade being unable to cut the fabric, causing the blade to skip. Looks like a quick attempt by some scrote to cause damage. Obviously no bus shelters or bins left to vandalise.

Do my eyes deceive me or is there cat hairs on the hood in the vicinity of the damage?

I think those were possibly mark’s fro the white cloth I used to wipe off condensation from the roof.

But…. I’m tempted to have the roof DNA tested at this point. I’d be much happier if was a random cat than a random scrote.

If I was a betting man, I would say cat damage.

Doesn’t look like cat damage to me, there are a few cats where I live I’d seen one on it often but it never left claw marks anywhere just most of it’s fur!
One of the reason’s I use a cover to protect the hood