Solent Area - 1st September 2024: A drive & Visit to Braemore house & Gardens, near Fordingbridge

Hi Everyone,

Please see the link below, which provides full details for the upcoming Braemore House & Gardens visit .

Please reply to this forum post soonest to confirm your attendance and PayPal Payment to me, as the time is fast approaching and the event will soon be upon us!

Attendees List;

  1. Mal & Serena - Paid via PayPal
  2. Chris & Doug - Paid via PayPal - REFUNDED ON 30th July 2024
  3. Sally & Colin - Paid via PayPal
  4. Angela & Ron - Paid via PayPal
  5. Clare & Tug - Paid via PayPal
  6. Julie & Howard - Paid via PayPal
  7. Diane & Terry - Paid Mal cash
  8. Carol & Steve Fryer - Paid via PayPal
  9. Rich Kirby - Paid via PayPal
  10. Val & Bob Lazell - Paid via PayPal
  11. Corrine & David Docherty - Paid via PayPal
  12. Lyn & Geoff Lowe - Paid via PayPal
  13. Christine Baird - Paid via PayPal
  14. Wendy & Martin - Paid via PayPal
  15. Colin & Jo - Paid via PayPal

Team Solent

Hi Mal, Chris & Doug,

Thanks for organising this event which we are looking forward to attending.

We have paid Breamore House via BACS and yes please we would like refreshments from the cafe.

Best wishes,

Sally & Colin

HI Everyone,

I am now fully back home, as of this afternoon (11th May) and have been catching up with admin and updating the Solent Area Programme etc

Also, the Calendar post I created whilst I was on holiday in Los Angesles did not work via the link, for some strange reason and probably got corrupted umpted.

So, I have now re-posted the event and the details are given in Post #1.

As stated in the calendar post, please respond soonest to confirm your attendance and paypal payment to my PayPal account, so we can get the final payment to Braemore House and make sure Sue Harris is happy with our booking.


Team Solent

Hi Mal, Chris and Doug will be attending, I will transfer £19 to you in the normal way

Sorry, cannot make this one as going to a concert
Terry & Diane

Hi Mal, Chris and Doug,

Please add Angela and myself to the list for this visit.

Will pay after posting this.


Ron & Angela :sunglasses:

Hi Mal.
We will be along with Casper.
Will forward the money when we know how we stand bringing Casper.
Richard and Clare.

By way of a quick update,as of Saturday 18th May, we now have six members signed up for this event, so we are halfway to acheiving the numbers required to get the discount offered by Braemore House.

Please sign up for this event if you possibly can, so we dont have to postpone it until later in the year…

Best Regards

Team Solent

Hi Everyone,

Due to not achieving numbers for the group discount for this visit, we have now moved this event to Sunday 1st September 2024 and both the Forum and Calenedar Posts have been updated to reflect this change.

For those who had already paid their monies for this event, we hope you can still make the new September date and I can either hold the PayPal monies already paid to me in readiness for the event, or refund them back to you acccordingly.

To this end, please let me know by emailing me on: Your wish is my command :smile:

Best Regards

Team Solent

Sorry I can’t make this one both dates I have other commitments Gerry

Sorry you are unable to make this one Gerry☹️
If anything changes and you wish to come along, just let me know.

Best Regards


Hi Mal, Doug and Chris
We can make the new date so please add us to the list. Do we pay now or nearer the time?
Howard and Julie

Hi Julie & Howard,

Thats is great news and I will add you to the list👍

You can either pay now or nearer the time and I will annotate your entry in the calendar accordingly.

Best Regards


By way of an update, since moving the date for this event, we are now up to 10 people, which is great.

Please do try and come along to this one, as it promises to be a great visit with a lovely drive via the New Forest and Fordingbridge.

Best Regards

Team Solent

Hi Mal
Please add Terry & myself to this one
Diane x

We are now up to 14 members for this event, which is great news and confirms we were right to move the date from June to September.

Keep your replies coming, as we can still take a few more members fo this event.


Team Solent

Morning Mal,
Carol and I with Maisie would like to come along to Breamore House please.
I have sent you £19 via Pay Pal friends and family.
Kind regards,

Hi Carol & Steve,

I received your PayPal payment safely and have added you both to the list😉

We look forward to seeing you again.

Best Regards


Hi Everyone,

Many thanks for the responses for this one to date (21st June).

ts been great to see our numbers for this visit build up to 9 MX-5’s and 18 members thus far, as per the attendees list in Post#1 :+1:

There is still room for more, so please visit the Calendar post, by clicking on blue text in the rectangular box in Post#1 and it will take you striafght to the calendar post that has all the information you require about joining us for this visit :wink:

Best Regards

Team Solent

Hi Everyone,

I have just reviewed this drive again, as Rich Kirby has now been added to the list of attendees and it has shaped up nicely for September :+1:

Hopefully, we will get a few more join us for this one before I send our final numbers to Penny at Breamore House.

