Last year a few of our members attended the Gosport Vehicle Rally, which is held on the spacious grounds at Stokes Bay, Gosport. PO12 2BL.
Ron Clarke visited last year and said the vehicles present were absolutely brilliant and as the Rally is organised by Rotary Gosport, it was well run and supported.
Ron duly contacted the organisers and we have the booking form and invite ltter from Penny Harris, who is Secretary of this Rally.
The purpose of this post is to gauge interest and if we get enough takers, we will put forward an application to Penny and we will show a gorup of MX5’s at this event. My usual list of attendees is given below and wll be updated, once we have your responses
The cost associated with this Rally is £5/car, payable on the day, so a bargain and should be a good day out
Please respond to this post to indicate your interest in attending;
Attendees List;
Car 1 - Ron & Angie
Car 2 - Mal & Serena
Car 3 - Gerry Hall
Car 4 - Phil & Roz
Car 5 - Terry & Diane
Car 6 - Colin & Sally
Car 7 - Josie & Brian
Car 8 - Chris & Jue
Car 9 - Mike & Julie
Car 10 - Tug & Claire
Car 11 - Doug & Chris
Thank you for your responses to this event and it is good to see that will have a good presence of MX5’s at this Rally
We now have the registration form for this event, so are good to go but please note that the form needs to be completed soonest, as entries are required to be submitted by email, using the instructions on page 2 of the form by 22nd August, so not very far away
Forms are required for entry, whether you want your car to be judged or not, the only difference being that the ones to be judged need to be with Penny Harris prior to the event!
Unfortunately, the PDF upload facility has ben removed from the forum, so is a pain in the nether regions So, you will need to click on the image and select 100% at the base of the page and complete the details before saving the page to your desktop and sending it off to the organisers.
Please note there are two pages and you will need to submit them both and if entering your car in the competition you will also need to send the monies via PayPal, as instructed on the form.
This clip taken from the registarions form states;
The field will be open for registration from 08:00 until 10:45 and all vehicles must be in place by 11:00 – NO VEHICLE MOVEMENTS WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE FIELD BETWEEN 11:30 AND 16:00 except in an emergency AND accompanied by an official Marshal
Finally, the rendevous point for this one will be: Alver Valley Garden Centre, off Barrington Cl, Howe Rd, Gosport PO13 8NZ
Please note: We will rendevous from: 09:30 ready for a departure at 10:00, as its only 10 mins down the road.