The fog light issue with mk1 imports 😲

if you are going to fix an external fog light to your bumper, does it involve drilling a hole in your boot to put the wire through (as well as drilling through the bumper obviously). or is there an existing hole somewhere. thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think there is existing fixings for the rear fog light.
Have you not thought of o/s reverse light conversion and red vinyl lense colour. I found it a lot neater.


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thanks for reply!
yeah i’m in 2 minds at the moment. i’ve been researching and weighing up the options of both methods. yours looks great. you may have persuaded me.

when you took these photeys, did you take any pics of how you fed the wires from the boot to the front? i know you use the transmission tunnel. i’ve been watching youtube videos. does it involve having to put the driver’s seat forward and undoing the driver’s seat belt to get at the panel at the back of the seat or is there another way? :slightly_smiling_face:

At this point my advice stops and I do apologise but I don’t trust myself with wires and paid an auto electrician. Sorry


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:grin: heheheh. i understand. i thought you’d done it. :blush:


No can’t take this credit but I was pleased with my light covering and I made him a cup of tea!



First MOT yesterday and no issues.
Yeah the £120 convenience of someone at the door and an hour later it’s done and me not loosing more hair on top suited me!


woah i bet the person only does Kent tho? :disappointed:

one last question - what did you use for your red vinyl filter? :thinking:

Well I have a lot left over. PM your address and I’ll happily send you 4 or 5 trial squares to cut to shape and give it a go! What’s nice is there’s a little groove in the reverse light edge so helps you cut a clean circle with a Stanley!


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If you’re on MX5Nutz How To: Convert Reverse Light Into Fog Light Guide - Guides: Exterior & Chassis - MX5Nutz Forum


thank you very much! :astonished:
if i decide to go with this method i sure will

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hey hey! thanks! :grinning:
i’d been using that page is my guide but it’s very complicated (to me) :blush:
at least i’m on the right track.

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throwing this open to anyone:
can i snip the red and black wires as shown?:

then can i put wire terminal adapters on the ends of the wires so it isnt left as bare wire?
(i’ve coloured those blue)
then i use the red/blue wires going to the bulb for my fog light switch at the front.

For years I’ve had a brick hanging off the rear bumper. There are existing holes in the boot floor near the battery you can use. One of these days I will change it, and make a virtue of it

Another MX5 I had came with a reverse light conversion (red bulb)

Always looked feeble in use.

Similarly, my M2-1002 came with a coloured reverse, also a bit feeble looking in use

Now, I know these conversions pass a MOT, as well as those that colour the reverse light red, but as fog lights, I think they are bear useless (ie. adequate warning to stop a 12 wheeler slamming into the back of me in a pea souper). Not sure the reverse light has much of a mirrored reflector.

This is what the inside looks like

Basically no mirror, a bit of silver paint.

A decent foglight generally has a bit of metal in there.

Reverse light is the aesthetic solution, but it depends on your objectives.

There is OE style

There is led-strip solution

There is peek-a-boo foglight

What no foglight? The foglight is attached to the rear towhook in a stowed up position, deployed for MOT. Works until you are on Bodmin Moor in a peasouper suddenly realising your foglight is pointing straight down.

Zoom have a JDM retro solution


Drawback is you need a centre exit exhaust


Cut a hole in your bumper solution


thanks! very thorough weighing up of the options! :grinning:
i’ve been reading your various posts on this when they come up in search results. i didn’t want to msg you directly because you’ve already written about this extensively.
i’ve even watched the yt video with the green car above.
i think i’m gonna go with the conversion of the driver’s side reverse light.

if you’ve got a pic of how to feed wires from the boot to the front handy it would be much appreciated. :blush:

do i have to put the driver’s seat forward and undo the driver’s seat belt to get at the panel at the back of the seat or is there another way? :thinking:

re my little picture, is that how i snip the wires? :thinking:

thanks again!

I would pass it under the centre console. You can then pass up behind the radio.

You don’t cut the wire inside the cluster, you cut the appropriate wires described in the MX5nutz guide, near the multiplug.


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centre console sounds great! i’ve been in there before when i fitted my mp3 player and fixed my gears. :blush:

yeah i’ve been looking at that pic from nutz. it’s making more sense now. :grinning:

thanks again!

The carpet behind the seats is secured by clips. The top ones come out easy enough, but the bottm ones can snap, and are Mazda only.

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thanks, i’ll be careful with it :slightly_smiling_face: