Tyre pressures dropping

  1. My model of MX-5 is: RF Sport Nav
  2. I’m based near: Aberdeen
  3. I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: an issue with my tyres

Hi all,

Im a new owner. I have a question on tyre pressures.

3 out of 4 of my tyres are constantly losing pressure. The first time I took the car to check and inflate them, I noticed that they were ‘peeling’ around the rims, with a gooey rubbery substance.

Would that be spray sealant or something? Im taking the car back to the dealer as I’ve only had it a week and have had to inflate 3 of the tyres 4 times … anyone else had more than one tyre at a time lose significant pressures?

I suspect the dealer may be awkward re this so any advice would be appreciated!

Sounds like pitting on the wheel rim that someone has tried to stop in the past with tyre sealant, it’s applied to the wheel with the tyre taken off.

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I’m no expert like Robbie but this used to happen on an old Renault Clio I had and I would regularly take her to my local tyre guys and they would ‘re-seal’ them for a few quid

When I started losing major amounts of pressure regularly on Bullit [2005 NB] back in 2022 couldn’t locate a garage that would re-seal for a few quid

So ended up replacing all four tyres via Halfords ‘Tyres on the Drive’ [At the time 10% Discount as I’m a member of the MX-5 Club]

It was annoying because there was still plenty of tread on the replaced tyres

But that seemed to solve the problem back in 2022

Noticed Bullit recently lost a lot of pressure on all four again but to be fair I hadn’t topped them up [usually a pound or two] for weeks

So I might have to think about replacing the wheel rims {Robbie ???] if this continues to be an issue

Hope my experience assists


Another thought I’ve had and Robbie will hopefully correct me

Bullit doesn’t get driven very often …like a vehicle on a dealer forecourt…so perhaps persistently cold tyres won’t help the seal on the rim ???

I’d monitor any air loss before condemning anything, especially as all 4 were low. In a perfect world, new wheels are better than a rim seal.


If a new car I’d be letting the dealer know about and for them to fix. If it’s a few years old then I suggest a tyre fitter to look over them, having said that being a recent purchase the dealer could do similar. It depends on any warranty and any good will they want to get into.
Worth also checking the tyre valves, highly unlikely that 3 are leaking at the same time though. I had a new set of tyres fitted last year and one had a faulty valve, it was a new valve too. Easily replaced by me when I noticed it losing air, around 3 psi in a week.

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You “might” have Goop or equivalent in them.
This is put in by removing the valve core and then re inflating.
It remains fluid and plugs the hole (hopefully) in the event of a puncture.
I think it would be extremely bad luck to have 3 punctures.
I would have one of the tyres removed to check what’s going on.

If it’s that bad, the dealer 100% knew about it and tried to conceal it from buyers. I would therefore be very concerned what else they are trying to hide.
I would suggest getting the car thoroughly checked by an independent assessor.


Thank you all for the information.
The car is going to Mazda Aberdeen tomorrow morning and Im hoping they resolve the issue and dont fob me off with unrealistic excuses. Id prefer for them to replace the tyres, however I doubt theyll want the expense. I suspect theyll put more sealant around the tyres and hope it lasts longer this time.
Thanks again

Don’t let them bamboozle you :muscle: :mechanical_arm:

If it were me I would tell them you’ve spoken to experienced and expert [Roadster Robbie] owners at the MX-5 Club

They’ve already made a profit off you. Stand your ground !!


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Just checked my Invoice for 4 x new tyres via Halfords ‘Tyres on the Drive’ with 10% Discount as MX-5 Owners Club Member back in 2022

£218.36 for 2005 NB

Needless to say not ‘top of the range’ tyres but replacing the tyres did keep pressure loss normal

RF Sport Nav …new tyres cost more ??

Not a fan of Mazda UK in terms of costs [they have a lot of overheads] but you purchased the vehicle from them ???

Your pressure loss is abnormal…

Interested to hear what happens as here in the Club we learn from each other and visitors like yourself

Thanks Robbie

my thoughts exactly but good to have you confirm…appreciated

The thing is it may not be the tyres.
As to have 3 that are loosing pressure at the same time would be very unlikely, (not impossible of course).
I suspect that the car was perhaps a part exchange and not new.
So in fairness to the dealer more information and investigation needs to take place.
Likewise, to have “knowingly” sold a car like that would amount to selling an unroadworthy vehicle which again I doubt that a Main Dealership would do.

To answer some questions.

The car is 2018 (67 ) plate. It was not brand new, correct. I picked it up exactly 2 weeks today as a part exchange. It was brought up to Aberdeen from Dumbarton as part of the car dealer collection service.

The only tyre that has no issues is the one that is newish. This leads me to believe its something to do with tyres, however it was dropped at the Aberdeen Mazda Service Centre this morning and I might get it back by 4pm, fingers crossed.
I’m fully expecting a fight, I should point out that I am female with blonde hair and expect to be treated as if I have air between my ears, which is not the case. I have been driving for a very, very long time and know that this is not a normal scenario.
On a completely different subject, does anyone know where I can source the Interior door inlay for driver side, opposite shape to picture attached. I accidently hoovered it up at an IMO place yesterday. I didnt realise it was not fixed (Blonde moment :rofl:)

Thank you for all the advise and comments, it has been a very useful forum. A massive thank you for letting me join.


Remember Kelley’s Heroes favourite saying to Moriarty! :slightly_smiling_face::wink:
Seriously, I got a Volvo main dealer to stump up for some tyres that were not right.

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Yes an RF Sport Nav. If new tyres required I do not feel I should be out of pocket as car was sold with issue.

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If it was fitted with one new tyre that keeps pressure it is possible the tyre fitter cleaned the rim to get a good seal. The remaining tyres may leak because of rim corrosion.


If it helps…


‘Female…fake blonde hair for more years than I can remember…now slowly greying and replacing with ‘metallic grey’ hair dyes’


'Treated as if I’ve got ‘air between my ears’


‘Been driving for a very, very long time’


‘So called Blonde moments’

Been a member here since 2017/18 and yes it’s mostly blokes

BUT some absolutely fabulous chaps on here…who don’t stereotype like we’ve experienced

They just care about ‘love of the MX-5’

I’ve had great advice, lots of humour and the Club Forum is well monitored and run by Volunteer Co-ordinators’

Not only about the MX-5 but various stuff about ‘Life, the Universe and Everything’

You couldn’t have come to a better place

And we’ll have your back whilst you fight your case with the dealer

On behalf of me and the great blokes on the Forum …some who have already posted in support



I have ‘grey haired old f***s’ moments now and again.
I couldn’t work the ATM machine in HSBC last Saturday, I called for help as I was inside the bank.
I once had a very lovely (well she looked lovely) blonde lady wave to me from her MX-5 as I was filling up mine with petrol one day, that was in Derbyshire. I had to explain to Mrs A I’ve never seen her before when she asked, do you know her?:open_mouth:


Those rubber inserts seem a tad expensive.
A pair on eBay, but might be worth asking the Mazda dealer for a price.

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