What have you done to your MX-5 today? (Part 1)

I fitted a battery cover to my ND. It was from a guy on eBay and arrived as described, promptly and with instructions. Here’s a photo of it in situ. It’s a better match and not quite so dark in real life :slightly_smiling_face:

And here’s the eBay details https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/293502033523?ul_noapp=true

First pic looks likes you have wireless charging … very cool :sunglasses:

No, that’s the induction loop for his T-coil. No excuse now for being late for tea.

OR, it’s part of the security system, the loop detects when the car has been moved and alerts the authorities…

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Nahh, it’s just a bit of old hose pipe, sorry nothing exciting…but my paint arrived today and tomorrows another day.

tablet displaying real time ECU data (standalone ME221 ECU)


I drove Katie to the end of my drive to form part of a red, white and blue display as part of the VE Day commemorations. It’s one of the very few outings that Katie has had so far this year, so I hope she enjoyed her day in the sunshine!


Very good, I’d have had to turn the Hyundai around though :wink:


I’ve just taken mine to mx5 restorer to get the rotten sills fixed.

This could be controversial, but is that an ‘essential’ journey under our current lock down rules?
Over to you-----------------!!!

I couldn’t agree more! Unfortunately that car belongs to my neighbour and despite some (not very) subtle hints, she didn’t want to turn it around. May be she didn’t want her reversing skills monitored!!!

After buying a new battery so I could move the thing! Finally painted the callipers. I’m pleased with it but need to do other side tomorrow. Oh and I filled, sanded and prepared wheels for a paint.


Looking good!

This evening was given over to detailing, after a pleasant day spent with my wife and little boy in the sunshine so, having washed it thoroughly and taken off the front wheels to give them a good dig out with wheel cleaner, the heavens opened.
Because of course they did.

Had to finish off washing and rinsing the wheels while getting absolutely drenched, then just mounting them finger tight while it finished up, cos you can’t leave that stuff on the wheels. Perfect timing.

After I’d washed it, before waxing? Mildly inconvenient.
After waxing? Slightly less convenient.
Two wheels off and covered in caustic gunk which you can’t leave in place or it’ll damage the finish on the wheels? Mint…

The government has said that although MOT test dates will be extended, the owner is still responsible for keeping the car in a roadworthy condition. Seeing that rotten sills are a common MOT failure point, I think it could be argued that it was an essential journey.

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Indeed, thankfully mine is only an advisory for now but it can’t really be left.

And my welding is the stuff of nightmares.

Used up the last of the petrol which believe it or not was put in for the 30th anniversary rally 15th September 2019, i’d given the car a ‘cheeky’ essential run out this morning and the reserve light came on, so i took the opportunity to fill the car while we have cheap fuel £42 worth of petrol at £102.9p a litre.
Should last me about four years at lock down rate.


Filled it up for only the second time, Owned since January but only done 300 miles. Bloody virus! quick mpg check is around 36 which I was surprised about, expected less. Oh well, next rueful due in August.

Yes it’s a similar story here, sorned with very little petrol left in the tank from 1st Dec 2019. Back on the road 9th March and stuck £30 fuel in, 50 miles later it’s back on sorn and reclaimed £275 VED back. :roll_eyes:

Nice one, I mentioned doing this with our 3 cars as the red and white ones were already on the drive and would just have needed to get the MX5 out of the garage. Then decided against due to the nationality of our cars - Italian, Japanese and Spanish.

OK, the Spanish one might have been alright, but knowing who the company and the now parent company were founded under, decided against it.

Perhaps I overthought it though :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Not a worry.

Unless home made most stuff folk were waving about (flags bunting etc) were probably from somewhere other than the UK. :thinking:

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