What have you done to your MX-5 today? (Part 1)

Your covers for the Mazda look amazing and what a lovely tidy garage

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Car Mats UK say their heel pad is rectangular and not shaped to fit further forward, so will not cover the worn spot, two others I phoned gave the same unimaginative answer. They lose a sale.

The problem remains; one small hole in one mat, which will recur, the other three immaculate.

So Iā€™ve ordered some 3mm thick rubber sheet, some stainless steel pop-rivets and washers, and will fit a custom carved heel pad in place, safely secured with sufficient pop-rivets to prevent throttle pedal scares. If necessary, Iā€™ll also punch out the remaining sharp tang of the mandrel from the rivet to avoid scratching the heels of feminine shoes.

I bought some Mazda brand car mats for the Mk4 and the driver mat came with an extra pad, that was sticky-backed, to take the wear and tear from the drivers right foot. I wonder if, when the pad wears through, Mazda will say you canā€™t buy the stick pad separately? :thinking:

I donā€™t need an answer - I have replaced my mats with the Carbon Miata ones (see further up this thread) :rofl:

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Or you could make sure you do not wear your ā€œfeminineā€ shoes when driving - I know that a simple pair of slip on shoes may be more comfortable :rofl:


Yup, time to ditch those killer heelsā€¦

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Have you ever told a woman what shoes she should wear, and not rued the consequences?

Life is too short.

An hour with snips, a drill and pop-rivet gun will be a worthwhile investment of time resulting in a quiet life.


Hi Richard, goes without saying;

ā€œHappy wife = Happy life!ā€




While I washed my wifeā€™s car which was covered in road salt I started up my ND which had been living outside in the freezing cold since it was last driven two weeks ago, in order to recharge the battery if it needed topping up. Sat in the car and raised the revs to between 3000 and 4000 rpm with occasional blips to 5000 rpm once it was warmed up properly. Put the heater on full bore with the windows slightly open and got rid of all the condensation and dampness in the car.


It was supposed to be a joke based on you wearing them and having the choice - but I agree a woman will wear what a woman wants and telling her otherwise is never a good ideaā€¦


Boosted (again) the NCā€™s dash-cam internal battery from an old but still working well USB power bank.
And thanks to the reminder in the post this morning, also Taxed it for another year.

How do you know if I do or donā€™t?

Or maybe my befuddled old brain simply missed it?

But relax, humour is never a problem with me.

At work there was a bit of a culture to apparently not ā€˜get the jokeā€™, so the jokesters needed to crank up the quality until we could not help but crack up. First one to crack bought the tea at the next break.

As Frank Carson used to say ā€œItā€™s the way I tell 'em!ā€

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And he told them very wellā€¦

But seriously, take care in the icy conditions with those high heels - like cheap Chinese tyres on your MX5 - not much gripā€¦


Due to lockdown I needed get rid of the condensation without going out in my ND2 - Dropped the top first - engine ran till hot, microfibre cloths on the glass which is now cleaner too - No chemicals used just natural condensation! Turned car around on my drive to face south to hopefully reduce further condensationā€¦!


Actually stiletto heels with the weight concentrated in a very small surface area give a better grip on ice than a smooth soled flat shoeā€¦ ermā€¦ so Iā€™ve been told.



I suppose that you are right, so go out and enjoy yourself!!!

I was thinking you had less surface area, but the weight per square inch is higher and will be better. I know this is why skinny tyred cars are far better in the snow as the tyres dig in. Just make sure you donā€™t damage them in the snow :slight_smile:


Au contraire!

The tungsten-carbide tips to the heels cut through the ice no problem, but smooth toes are a different matter.

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So Richard thatā€™s two of us in for some stick now. :rofl:


Are we on a transvetite convention here or what! :joy:


Great, thatā€™s three then. :wink:


Itā€™s all in the mind of the beholderā€¦

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