What have you done to your MX-5 today? (Part 1)

Not when I went to Hamburg and Hong Kong it wasn’t! :flushed::roll_eyes::joy:

Ah you have the advantage of me there.

My closest approach to such delights was several business trips to Amsterdam and Las Vegas

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We will get told off and barred shortly :flushed::joy:


Anybody else get the feeling we may be straying very slightly off topic here. There is a phrase ‘when you are in a hole, stop digging’. Think it’s time to leave the shovel in the boot for snow clearance. :wink: :zipper_mouth_face: :smiley:


Funnily enough last week I was looking at winter tyres and rims as an option for the other car, and kept coming across ones where you can screw in studs.


Phew, back on topic. Well done that man. :clap:


It’s a bit of a minefield with the winter tyres, and I don’t think I’ll need them this winter. But I’m thinking ahead.

If we can emerge from the crisis into a more normal driving environment (summer?), then maybe when demand for them is low and prices too, I’ll be asking NickD to put together a tyres+rims package for me.

The OEM Toyo Nanoenergy have limited grip at the best of times, even when new, and they are so noisy! Coming up for five years and living outside in the sun they are getting old, so yet another reason a summer visit to NickD might be on the cards.

Are studded snow tyres legal in the UK?

The simple answer is no – studded tyres are illegal in the UK, as they can cause damage to the road surface. However, there are some instances in the UK where you can use studded tyres.

If you ever want to use studded tyres in the UK, this is only legal when you use them off-road as opposed to everyday driving on UK roads. This is due to the damage studded tyres causes to roads and tarmac terrain.

In Oregon, USA, a report suggested that studded winter tyres caused on average $8.5 billion worth of damage to highways – so it’s clear to see why this type of tyre is illegal in the UK - as we only spend £49.75 on road maintenance as it is! :joy: :joy:


my 2017 RF, fitted INJEN induction system, that’s very pleasing, but the ULTRA rear lower suspension brace bar not so, would not fit my car, rear outer arms wrong angle to allow fitting to suspension bolts, was offered up to a 2017 ND as well - wouldn’t fit that either, gone back to supplier for refund, guess will fabricate my own, so a good day & a bad day, such is life, roll on getting the jab.

I’ve ordered some interior mods today. Will post pics when it’s done after they arrive :slightly_smiling_face:

Removed the window controller that I fitted in summer, the drivers window stopped going up so it had to be inched up, funny thing is it seemed worse the colder it got, but as the car goes in for a service on Monday I thought I’d better check it out, I disconnected the battery and went through all the setting procedures to no avail, but I was convinced it was a problem with the car and I was going to get the dealer to look at it under warranty, in the end I removed it all and it works fine now :rage:

Hey guys today I fitted the MX5parts supplied IL motorsport gear shift gaiter, and it looks great, one thing im wondering though is that when I put the car in first/third/fifth it looks like the leather gaiter is pretty taught, and when its in 2nd/4th it looks pretty loose should this be the case? if anyone could tell me whether or not they reckon its in upside down maybe or whether its just meant to be like that?

Roof drains and scuttle grommets (no leaks, just preventative) :slightly_smiling_face:

Now just need to work out if the dampness in the boot is just condensation or something more complicated.


I have just fixed (i hope) water ingress in the boot on my 2006 PRHT sport. Siliconed rear lights and key operated lock. So far so good. The drains behind the seats were fine.


Ordered a set of Michelin Pilot Sport tyres online, off to the fitters on Friday

Spent a while upside down in the footwell as wife decided that after 5 or 6 years of ownership that she didn’t like the amount of play in the clutch pedal


It’s a theoretically simple job but seriously fiddly in practice.
Your wife’s quite right though and you’ll thank her for insisting, once the the skinned knuckles have healed.
What I don’t understand is why it’s necessary.
I have never, ever had another car with this problem.

what I learnt was as the advice suggested charge the inspection lamp 1st, mine ran out halfway through the job. After 45min of faffing about it was all done though, be quicker next time, and that did include the 10min struggle to get out again…

The other thing I learnt was not to let the wife drive cars, she then went out in the wee pug107 that the kids are learning to drive in and the alternator blew taking the main charging fuse with it. The fuse is built into the box and not replaceable so new box and new alternator needed.


A non-replaceable fuse?

Almost a contradiction in terms…

How crazy is that???


It’s French. :wink:
2nd only to
That is all.