What have you done to your MX-5 today? (Part 2)

Today the cover came off the 5 in anticipation of a summer of fun. MOT April 3rd….:crossed_fingers:t2:


Went for a drive out with some like minded folk…


Thanks Robbie :grinning:

[Re-assuring to know that Experts still have to do what is for them mundane tasks :wink:]

Banksy…Eat Your Heart Out :rofl:


GL-4 vs GL-5; the effect is reversible

Very mundane reminder; today I am convinced that last years gearbox problem (couldn’t engage 5th gear when in motion) was caused by using GL-5 gearbox oil. What a twit; I used GL-5 at the last change. A few weeks back, I drained the box and refilled with GL-4. I worried that effect may be due to permanent damage. However, gradually 5th gear engagement improved and is now slick. My thanks to all those contributing GL-4 threads to this forum.


You obviously spotted this, it was posted up a while ago, shortened version…

  • GL-4 is suitable for hypoid gear service when they are under severe service but are without shock loading.
  • GL-5 is suitable for hypoid gear service under severe service and shock loads and not for use in a gearbox.:+1:

What about transmission oils that are classified as API GL4/GL5 like Millers CRX 75w90 NT+ ?

I don’t know, I’ve never put any in a gear box.


Today it was summer wheels on and time for suspension setup.


I had an appointment at the dealer to change to summer wheels. It turned out to be the coldest day of the past two weeks (6°C with bitingly cold wind). The rest of the week will, of course, be much warmer according to the forecast – Murphy’s Law again.

The nice part was that Mazda’s charge of €79 was half what Porsche charged last year for the same operation on the Panamera I had at that time.

The Bridgestone Potenza S001 tyres, which came with the car last December, seem not to give as smooth a ride as the Michelin Alpin 6 winter tyres: I seem to feel the bumps more. But maybe that is because they are new.


Lowered and gonna run the springs and exhaust in for a few hundred miles. My wearelikewise gear knob came from Australia today.


They are good. I had them on my first 5 that got written off. I should have taken the time to strip them off :slight_smile:

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Sorted. The vehicle-side rear defogger plug is a lot easier to come by than the hardtop-side plug. So a bit of a switch-a-roo and I have an OEM look set up for an NB soft top and hardtop on an NA. I’m happy but not that the car actually goes out in weather that requires the use of the rear window defogger…

Is it weird to reply to your own post?


Not really keeps the rest of us informed :+1:


Well… It could we worse… I changed to summer tyres on Tuesday and the weather here in Vienna doesnt look too exciting for the next month. I’m getting worried that the top will forget how to open!

‘Weird to Reply to Your Own Post’ :thinking:

Robbie you surely gotta know the popular response to this :wink:

“See you’re talking to yourself again”

“Yep…only way I can have an intelligent conversation”


Roll on better weather before a few of us get even more stir crazy :rofl:


I have just filled half of the box structures on my 2006 with Bilt Hamber Dynax S-50 Anti-Corrosion Wax. This appears to be a chemical wonder. It certainly looks the business when applying: sprays sideways from the end of a long tube, allowing sections to be filled end to end, or middle to each end in the case of the sills. The propellant escapes from any minor gaps, and a bit drips out here and there. A 750ml can deals with about half of the members, so the other half next week.


Replaced the washer bottle and pump, as the pump had given up the ghost earlier this week. Wipers still worked and fuses were fine.

A straightforward job and I now have working nozzles again! :grin:

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The most important thing I did for my Miata today was to join the club as a full member. Why, when the advantages for someone living in the EU are not as great as for a member in the UK? Because over the past few months, as a member of the forum only, I have found it to be the most friendly and courteous forum for Miata enthusiasts, and I want to recognise that by supporting the club financially.

The second thing I did today, thanks to help on the forum, was finally to manage to access all three pages of the Fuel Economy section of the display.

I also measured the tyre pressures of my recently installed summer wheels and discovered that the dealer had set it to 32 rather than 29psi, which may help to explain the hard ride I was getting.

And… it was warm enough to ride with the top down! Yippee!

That will do for one day! :slight_smile:



You are telling me!



I taxed mine in preparation for getting it out of the garage but, for the first time in 10 years, the 1st April is wet so it won’t be recommissioned today