What have you done to your MX-5 today? (Part 2)

I think it looks great, I was thinking of doing a stripe on the side of my 20th anniversary, but then lower, and also wanted to incorporate the number of mine ( 989/2000).

Then I thought, No I have to keep it original since it is an annivesary model, but now I see yours, and I am contemplating it again :smiley:

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Thank you, when I first bought the car it had already had some mild modifications wheels, exhaust, strut brace (now changed back to an original) and it had been lowered so, it wasn’t as it came out of the factory.
I decided I wanted to make it my own.
The stripes incorporated the colours on the badge black, red and silver, it was initially going to be along the bottom along the sill line but, I wanted it to be a little clearer hence blacking out the door handle and running it through.
I’ve just dkne the wheels too, back to a 16x8 with more rubber for that armchair ride.
Glad you like it, I’d say think about it long and hard to get it right but, go for it.

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Quite like the graphics and it’s easily reversed if you decide later you don’t like it or want something different.

Making these great cars our own is what it’s all about.



Thank you, yes we all love our 5s but, they’re so easy to add your own personality

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After doing the last little mods on my engine cover I almost got it ready for Carbon Fibre Effect Hydro dipping … forget the red engine lettering thats just there for display I dont know if that will be part of the project …but after a little more fettling I should be able to send the project off for completion …

the cover is held on by two lugs under the bar and one red thumb screw it take less then 15 seconds for Removal …

a few pics before hydro dipping modding is for cosmetic looks and to being a little different :wink:

thanks for taking the time to look…!


Fantastic work, chapeau :clap:

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Why thank you ! ….the boys at Wicked coatings will make it look like the dogs dangleys once the carbon fibre effect coating has been applied ……

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Brilliant stuff! I think you are pretty much guaranteed to be getting orders for those. :+1:

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Thanks for the comment…but l don’t think l get many done as this has taken be well over 6 months to do on and off this project……!

Washed all the mud off from Goodwoods car park after yesterday’s Revival meeting, maybe I should have taken the Defender :roll_eyes:.


Continued the engine bay clean up of my recent Mk1 purchase. There are 2 wiring loom clamps near and under the charcoal canister. Anyone managed to find suitable replacements, can’t seem to find anything from the usual sources……

Surely a standard epdm lined stainless p clip will do the same job as that in the correct size?

IL Motorsport strut brace fitted. Little engine bay before and after Summer 2024 comparison below.


Today’s activity was changing the rocker cover gasket, I was getting the oily smell when driving, so £28 for a genuine Mazda gasket and a tube of RTV it’s all sorted. No more oil smell or leaks.

Old gasket was very hard and there was RTV silicone all over it, no wonder it was leaking.


Gone to mingle with some pigeons.

Maybe a stupid question, but what’ going on up here in the area I’ve highlighted?

Not stupid.
Along with the alternator, it’s been cable tied out of the way, to facilitate manifold extraction.

Ah cool, thanks.

Got new to me BBS wheels and new tyres fitted


Got my car (2023 ND 2.0) into Roddisons - Sheffield for a diff & gearbox oil change and a geo set up. Apparently he is not a fan (to say the least) of the OEM Bridgestone tyres.