What have you done to your MX-5 today? (Part 2)

From my amazing mx5 that I had fully restored.
Anyone remember this?

Yeah I sold that like a lemon. Lost lost of money.

But guess what.

V2 haha!

Z sport coming up!!

This is possibly my favourite edition…still miss it. :+1:

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Z sport NC very nice special edition, just needs lowering as NC’s really look like 4x4’s if not!!!

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Needs a new engine first :crazy_face:
2.5 incoming


Ordered new pads front and rear for my NC

From Motorsport Developments,

Cosworth Street master pads £72 for both sets.


Sold it!!!

After 7 years and many happy miles funded by many £££ I’ve let someone else have some fun.

Really enjoyed this forum, using you all for inspiration and motivation.

Goodbye NC


Added some bling!


Fitted some natty shiny red wheel nuts to my Soul Red ND to go with the red valve dust caps. I think they look nice and far better than the corroding standard wheel nuts. Not bothered about not having the ugly locking wheel nuts as any low life tea leaf can get master sockets or “rounded nut” removers off eBay and they would also have to manage to jack up my lowered car as well :grinning: Far easier to steal headlight units which are much more valuable and are the steal of preference after catalytic converters.


New brake pins fitted in front brakes, nc 1.8

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Not exactly today, but last weekend I fitted the Front splitter. Took me a long time to decide if a front splitter would be for me, but now that I have installed it, I think it looks great.

What do you think ?

MX5 2

MX5 3

MX5 4


Cleaned it


The first of many?

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Need a rear one now

I have the same colour car, it’s on my shall I, shouldn’t I list along with a fyralip rear lip spoiler. What make is yours?
By the way car looks good with it on

Rear one is on order :grinning:. I think it needs a rear one noemto make it complete.

Mine is a 2011 20th anniversary model. And there also lies the difficult decision to put a front lip on or not. Should I keep a 20th anniversary model as original as possible and do not mess with it or not ?

I have decided to put the front lip on, because I could always remove it without damaging the
car. After I installed the front lip, I think it needs a rear spoiler ( which is on order) as well to make it complete.

What are your thought on why you should or shouldn’t install the front lip ?

Honestly, I like the look I dont think it would look right if it was sprayed body coloured.
I’m not in the flush of youth and I suppose I worry (perhaps I shouldn’t) what other people think about a 60+ year old driving around with a car with spoilers on the front and rear end :joy:

And so it begins…

One thing I’m not a massive fan of in the MX5 is the large expanse of hard plastics in the cabin. Success in using vinyl wrap in my Mazda 3, a faint but annoying mark on the decoration panel, and someone else’s images on here has led me to try to break this up a bit.



The product is a fake suede vinyl (it looks a bit pink here due to footwell lights). While I have the centre console apart, I am waiting for new gaiters for the gear stick and handbrake. Also in the post is more of the same material; I think I can take the door cards apart and wrap the centre third or so above the arm rest in the same material.

Also while I was in there, I took the chance to have a peer at the transmission from the sunny side. The rubber boots are in perfect condition and, to my surprise, the oil was crystal clear and bang full. The ball of the stick got some heavy grease ‘just because’ and popped everything back together.


…part II

The door cards were an interesting challenge. The armrest pad and cupholder comes out, meaning it is relatively easy to wrap and then pop these back in for a neat finish, but to take the tops off, there are a series of heat-staked plastic posts that you need to un-stake somehow. I used a soldering iron to move material around and, once everything was in place, move it back again. I think I was more successful on one side than the other, but it worked. There is probably enough of a boss there to use shallow flange head screws, which is probably a better solution - but what I tried worked well enough. See the line of messy splats:

The pretty side:

Final result:

Even Mrs five-three was impressed. Just need those new gaiters to come in now, but that won’t stop me taking it for a blart when the weather dries up :smiley:


Nice job, well executed looks great!