What is the Soundtrack to your MX-5 experience?

Drive into a brick wall for Britney?! I forgive you however as you have mentioned a love of Motown… you cant beat Diana Ross & The Supremes.

I finally took my car on the motorway! It goes like a dream! And the soundtrack for this adventure??? Well it had to be Sonia’s youll never stop me loving you! The 12" remix no less!

You are all odd - I listen to the engine and the exhaust and the wind and the birds and the traffic. I find the stereo really detracts from the aural pleasure of the car. In fact I cant remember the last time I even switched it on.

Britney → wall! - pmsl!
Funk & Stevie, now you’re talking!

Glad to see we’ve got som rockers [:D] Liking the Queen, Evanescance, Disturbed vibe also.

 A great driving album is The Killers  - Hot Fuss - especially the first 5 6 tracks.

 I like something fast and pulsey in the 5… Like a soundtrack to a car chase seen in a cops n robber movie LOL [A]

 I listen to most things in the car
At the moment it’s Wavestar with Moonwind.
I dare say on the way home it will be something else.

 I’m going to have to try to get hold of some of the tracks people are talking about! The other place we were having this discussion, I set up a webpage to allow people to drop music onto my computer ( http://tinyurl.com/7rwja9 ) and I’d be happy to drop a list of the recommendations in here. Oh, and do feel free to suggest any you want to me as well! Just no rap or similarly tuneless shouting! [:D]

 My favorite when driving the 5  is ‘Only the strong’ better know as the ‘Zoom Zoom’ track from the Mazda advert - bought a MX-5 CD manual off eBay a few years ago and when I ‘explored’ the disc noted it had a ‘misc’ folder.
 Amongst the files was two mp3’s, one of the original version and the other the version used in the TV ad.
 It suits summer driving with the hood down just great - you can see people thinking with a puzzled look, “I know there is a connection between the music and the car but I can’t quite work it out…” It is cool though.[H]

Used to be The Who’s Baba O’Reilly in my old car (VW Golf). However, with the MX5’s sensitive steering I have found that the resulting dashboard keyboard solos were rather hazardous.
Have a particular fondness for See the World by Gomez at the moment. Top down = I can’ t hear the stereo, so don’t bother

Took my 5 out for a spin today with the top down as there was no sign of rain and what can i say? had ‘Radio Ga Ga’ by Queen on the stereo, wind in my hair going down the M60 in to Stockport and i just said to myself; now this is what i call livingSmile

Pulled in to the petrol station to fill up, went to the counter and instead of saying the pump number to the attendant i just said 'the convertible please '(love saying that he he!), and the guy complimented me on how nice my car looked. I said thanks but keeping it that way is a different storySmile



Anything by Pink Floyd,

Anything by Prodigy,

And “Black Betty” from Ram Jam or Spiderbait (Both versions are good)

blues brothers - sweet home chicago or

floyd’e - darkside of the moon

over 40mph you can only hear the exhaust anyway.


My iPod playlist from a short night-time spin yesterday:

Sex Pistols, Holidays in the Sun
Chris Cornell, You Know My Name
Joni Mitchell, Free Man in Paris
The Battle, from Gladiator soundtrack (I really recommend all 5 drivers try this at least once!)
Abba, When I Kissed the Teacher
Tenpole Tudor, Swords of a Thousand Men
Neil Young, After The Goldrush

Good choice, i was a big Soundgarden fan and favourite Chris Cornell track? it has to be ‘Preaching the End of The World’Smile



Hi Ben

         Now that is showing off… but I DO like it [Y]

Have to share 5 with the wife so loaded 65 albums onto a USB flash stick, she plays her “George Michael. Usher, etc” when I get to play in the 5 I then scroll down for my Idol… Garry Moore, also like WASP, and some OASIS.

I think I’ll just go and fill up… mines the… [;)]

Zippy [:#]


The MX5 does get many admiring glances - I have now had 3 people ask me if he helps me pull the birds?!  I’ve only had the car a week as well! 

 In the owners handbook it says not to have the roof off if it is less than 5C?  Is that so?  I wanted to have it down this morning to clear my thick head with a bit of Same Difference!

Gary Moore - how could I forget.
He is playing in Cambridge at the Corn Exchange in April.
Last year’s gig was good.

Phil Collins, Somthing InThe Air, especially with the roof down.

Easy Cheeky,

                  actually you are correct, just yesterday my friends Honda BLACKBIRD broke down so I towed the bike trailer and rescued him…[;)], I agree regarding the manual, but I have had mine down above 0c, to hell with it, but if it split you can’t blame Mazda, not to sure how Mazda stand regarding the width of someones head tho’…and how to clear it [:P].



Oh zippy - you made a little joke there [:D] I think I shall keep the roof up and keep the birds away!   

Buck Rogers by Feeder… http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=GMhHz6XNgXo&feature=related

Enter Sandman by Metallica… http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1QP-SIW6iKY

Smells like Teen Spirit by Nirvana … http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=kPQR-OsH0RQ

Bring Me To Life by Evanescance …http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_TILCIRspO0