Well, as a Belgian fiver i prise myself lucky with the great choice on (own) excellent beers we have here…
Left; St Bernadus Abt …my all-time favourite (equivalent to Westvlieteren) dark beer 10°
second; Rochefort (Trappist beer) 9,2°
third; Duvel “tripel hop” 9,5°
fourth ; La Trappe (Holland and also a Trappist beer) 10°
fifth; Carolus Whisky infused 11,7°
A good one too (even if maybe a bit to sweet for my taste…) and has the merit of being a good “summer” beer, unlike other beers you may drink this one ice-cold.
Found this in ASDA! A few weeks back, it was on the drinks menu of my local Italian restaurant but not in stock!
Very nice!
I love desperados, so thirst quenching on a hot day, first one never touched the sides
Off to an ale tasting pub tomorrow - will have to report back!
May have a few new favourites!
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I still keep coming back to Corona Extra as my favorite beer.
Looks refreshing! I would love to try one of those.
Une Bolee de Cidre…
Mais peut-etre une biere aussi!!!
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